Our Annual Conference & Stage Expo is the premier spot in the country to meet the biggest names in the live entertainment game! We’re here to help you meet employers, find new employees, discover universities, and meet fellow technicians to upgrade your networking game! USITT25 utilizes SmartMatch technology to help connect you with your perfect professional match. You can use your SmartMatch hub to match with exhibitors, upload your resume, set up appointments, and explore your SmartMatches. SmartMatch enables attendees and exhibitors to connect before, during, and after Conference.Attendees
Accessing the SmartMatch System:
You must log into your Attendee Service Center using your credentials to access the SmartMatch system.
Once logged in, you'll find several tabs or sections for different functionalities.
- Search: Use this tab to search for exhibitors, companies, universities, or other attendees at the Conference.
- Appointments: This section will show you when you have appointments scheduled. You can also set up appointments with exhibitors here! If any exhibitors reach out wanting to connect with you, you can use this tab to confirm appointments with them.
- Bookmarks: Think of this like your favorites tab. Use it to save favorite exhibitors for future reference or to schedule appointments with them later. Bookmark companies that you’d like to talk to, and they’ll be sent your profile and resume!
- Profile Setup: This is where you can edit your SmartMatch survey answers and upload your resume. This profile is sent to any companies you bookmark so they can check out your stuff! SmartMatch will also match you with other attendees who share your interests so you can network with them.
- Time Blocks: You can use this tab to display your availability. Check off times you’re in sessions, labs, or at special events so that employers know when you’re busy.
- Matches: This tab shows you which attendees or exhibitors matched your interests based on your profile setup. From here you can either make an appointment with them or bookmark them. If you’re not ready to schedule an appointment but you’d like to connect, click on their name and you’ll get the option to send them a direct email.
Accessing the SmartMatch System:
You must log into your Exhibitor Service Center using your exhibitor credentials to access the SmartMatch system. If you’re able to access your Exhibitor’s Service Center, you’re able to access the SmartMatch system!
Once logged in, you'll find several tabs or sections for different functionalities.
- Search: Use this tab to search for attendees or other exhibitors at the conference.
- Appointments: This section will show you when you have appointments scheduled. This will also be where you make appointments with interested attendees by confirming or declining appointment requests.
- Bookmarks: Think of this like your favorites tab. Use it to save favorite attendees for future reference or to schedule appointments with them later. It will also display a list of attendees who have bookmarked your company. Clicking on their profile will allow you to see their information, and a resume if they have uploaded one.
- Profile Setup: This is where you can edit your SmartMatch survey answers. Let us know what type of technician you’re searching for and SmartMatch will send those profiles your way!
- Time Blocks: You can use this tab to display your availability. Check off times you’re in sessions, hands-on labs, or at special events so that attendees know you’re busy!
- Matches: this tab shows you which attendees matched your interests based on your profile setup. From here you can either make an appointment with them or bookmark them. If you’re not ready to schedule an appointment but you’d like to connect, click on their name and you’ll get the option to send them a direct email.