11:00 AM | First Timers Badge Pick-up Begins
12:00 PM | General Badge Pick-up Opens
1:00 PM | Labs and Sessions Begin
5:00 PM | Annual Membership Meeting
6:00 PM | Opening Night Reception
9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
10:15 - 11:00 AM | Stage Expo Opening Activities
4:30 - 6:00 PM | Happy Hour on the Expo Floor
7:30 PM | USITT23 Reception at the City Museum
9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
11:00 AM | Stage Expo Opens
4:00 - 6:00 PM | St. Patrick's Day Hooley on the Expo Floor
6:00 PM | Distinguished Achievement Awards Reception
9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
9:30 AM | Stage Expo Opens
2:00 PM | Stage Expo Closes
6:00 PM | USITT23 Wrap-up Meet-up at Statler Ballroom at the Marriott
"USITT22 exceeded my expectations because it was well organized, entertaining, and so much fun. I was very impressed by all the vendors and activities there were to do."
"Having all of the labs in one space, right at the front was a great way to bring a more dynamic hands-on component. The proximity to each other was rather collaborative and lovely."
"I think I enjoyed USITT22 more than any previous conference. The strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion and the expanded focus on digital media were both great."