Join Us in St. Louis
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We’re excited to welcome you to the USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo in St. Louis on March 15-18, 2023.
USITT23 will be held at the America's Center Convention Complex
in the heart of downtown St. Louis, steps away from the Gateway Arch and more.
701 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101
Following the success of our first in-person event in three years, USITT22 in Baltimore, this Conference is shaping up to be our best yet with the return of our fantastic hands-on labs, in-depth educational sessions, the vibrant activity of Stage Expo, massive networking and recruitment opportunities, and so much more!
Make sure to register today and book your housing for USITT’s return to the Gateway City.
Call Outs
Wednesday, March 15

11:00 AM | First Timers Badge Pick-up Begins
12:00 PM | General Badge Pick-up Opens
1:00 PM | Labs and Sessions Begin
5:00 PM | Annual Membership Meeting
6:00 PM | Opening Night Reception

Thursday, March 16

9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
10:15 - 11:00 AM | Stage Expo Opening Activities
4:30 - 6:00 PM | Happy Hour on the Expo Floor
7:30 PM | USITT23 Reception at the City Museum

Friday, March 17

9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
11:00 AM | Stage Expo Opens
4:00 - 6:00 PM | St. Patrick's Day Hooley on the Expo Floor
6:00 PM | Distinguished Achievement Awards Reception

Saturday, March 18

9:00 AM | Labs and Sessions Begin
9:30 AM | Stage Expo Opens
2:00 PM | Stage Expo Closes
6:00 PM | USITT23 Wrap-up Meet-up at Statler Ballroom at the Marriott


Call Outs

"USITT22 exceeded my expectations because it was well organized, entertaining, and so much fun. I was very impressed by all the vendors and activities there were to do."

Call Outs

"Having all of the labs in one space, right at the front was a great way to bring a more dynamic hands-on component. The proximity to each other was rather collaborative and lovely."

Call Outs

"I think I enjoyed USITT22 more than any previous conference. The strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion and the expanded focus on digital media were both great."

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