FIA/SIFMA Asset Management Derivatives Forum 2025 Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities

Thank you for your support of the FIA/SIFMA AMG Asset Management Derivatives Forum!
Depending on the level of support, Sponsors will receive the following benefits, in addition to what is included with their specific Sponsorship.
Please note:
  • Sponsorship levels are determined by total sponsorship spend per company.
    • It does not include any amount paid towards table-top exhibit space, partnerships or registrations.
  • Neither credits nor replacement benefits will be given for benefits not used. 
 Click here to view the FIA/SIFMA Asset Management Derivatives Forum 2024 Attendee Profile sheet (PDF version).
Sponsorship Level
Member/ Non-Member
($31,000/ $37,200)
($20,000/ $24,000)
($16,000/ $19,200)
($11,500/ $13,800)
($11,000/ $13,200)
($9,000/ $10,800)
Full Conference Passes¹ 5 4 3 2 5 1
Buy-Side Passes² 4 4 3 2 5 1
Exhibitor Personnel Passes³ 2³ 2³ 2³ 2³   2
¹ Full Conference Passes include access to sessions, networking events and food functions.
² Buy-Side Passes must be pre-approved by FIA/SIFMA. Includes access to sessions, networking events and food functions. Buy-side requirements can be viewed here.
³ Exhibitor Personnel Passes are only applicable to the sponsor if they utilize a table-top exhibit space. Includes access to networking events and food functions.
Pre-, During & Post-Forum Promotion
Top billing on the Forum website          
Logo on registration confirmation email        
Digital ad¹ on the FIA/SIFMA AMG Forum website
-jpg/gif ad rotates with other sponsor ads
970x90 px 970x90 px 970x90 px      
Dedicated "Meet Our Sponsors" email send²
-Includes all sponsors & is sent on the sponsor's behalf before the Forum
Logo on the Forum website  
Logo on Forum promotional marketing materials  
Company profile page hyperlinked on Sponsor & Exhibitor page  
Recognition in the Mobile App²  
¹Must be pre-approved by FIA
²Includes logo, company URL, company description (max. 60 words, FIA reserves the right to edit for length
On-Site Promotion
Logo included in FIA/SIFMA AMG on-site signage and branding  
Logo on pre-session marketing slides  
Additional Benefits
Complimentary Table-Top Exhibit Space¹    
Attendee List (including Company, Attendee Name, Title, City, State, Country)  
¹If a sponsor would like to have a table-top exhibit space, they must have an employee present at the table-top exhibit space during the entire duration of the exhibit hours at the Forum. Companies without a representative at their table-top exhibit space will have their table-top removed from the exhibit area.

 Click here to view instructions for how to submit your contract (PDF version).
 Click here to view the Sponsor and Exhibitor Terms & Conditions (PDF version).

Diamond Level (Member: $31,000/Non-Member: $37,200)
Platinum Level (Member: $20,000/Non-Member: $24,000)
Gold Level (Member: $16,000/Non-Member: $19,200)
Silver Level (Member: $11,500/Non-Member: $13,800)
Partner Level (Member: $11,000/Non-Member: $13,200)
Branding Partnerships
Tabletop Exhibit Space (Member: $9,000/Non-Member: $10,800)