
Annual Planting Plan — Year 1

Corn planted0
Corn remaining0
Alfalfa planted0
Alfalfa remaining0
Rootworm eggs0
This interactive was created by the Concord Consortium in collaboration with Indiana University and the Educational Testing Service.
Copyright © 2018 The Concord Consortium. All rights reserved. The software is licensed under the MIT license. Please see license for other software and associated licensing included in this product. Please provide attribution to the Concord Consortium and the URL https://concord.org.
Icons by Smashicons from www.flaticon.com (CC BY 3.0 licensed).
Help Jonah maximize his corn crop
In the first year, plant 100% corn to see the maximum corn crop. The rootworm invasion occurs in the second year.
Each year, examine the crop and rootworm data and set a planting plan to maximize the corn crop. Watch the trends to find the patterns in the data.