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Speaker's Last Name
Speaker's Name
Abadian Heifetz, Ariana
Abernathy, Tyler
Aguilar, Elena
Alamar, Amy
Alcock, Marie
Aldrich, Tate
Allen-Smith, Keisha
Allison-Zarea, Aileen
Allmann, Nichole
Allyn, Pam
Alvarez-Ortiz, Dr. Lourdes
Alvy, Harvey
Anand, Ankur
Anderson, Allen
Anderson, Benita
Anderson, Katie
Anderson, Mike
Anderson, Steven
Aparicio, Silvia
Arabo, Melody
Armand, Glenda
Armstrong, Erin
Aronson, Marcey
Arrington, Katey
Arterbery, Cynthia
Austin, Darren
Bagdasarian, Shahe
Bailey, Becky
Bailey, Kim
Baker, Jennifer
Barber, Jacquey
Barrett, Christi
Bassett, Katherine
Bates, Hollyanna
Bautista, Vicki
Bay-Williams, Jennifer
Beasley, Jennifer
Beck, Dennis
Becker, Molly
Bedard, EdD, Sue
Bell, Larry
Belle-Payne, Hope
Belton, Liz
Berg, Jill Harrison
Bethel, Casey
Birk, Cale
Bolden, Brian
Boone, Amy
Boroson, Barbara
Boss, Suzie
Bostick, Rachel
Bradley, Ph.D., Duke
Bradshaw, Janelle
Bragg, Alex
Brandt, Dr. Matthew
Breiburd, Silvia
Brenchley, Cameron
Brictson, Cynthia
Brinker, John
Brookhart, Susan
Brooks-DeCosta, Dawn
Brosnahan, Carla
Brown, Adam
Brown, Kyndall
Brown, Leanna
Brown, Tara
Bryant, Kimberly
Budge, Kathleen
Budin, Erin
Buerk, Shannon
Bujanda, Sariah
Burger, Kristin
Burke, John
Burns, Dion
Burns, Monica
Burton, LeVar
Cain, Sean
Camp, John
Caposey, PJ
Carbaugh, Eric
Carpenter, Kendra
Carter, Ronit
Casa-Todd, Jennifer
Casas, Jimmy
Ceballos, Marjorie
Cetera, Eileen
Chambers, Tracy
Chanter, Carol
Chavez-Thibault, Malissa
Ciliotta-Young, Maddie
Ciuffo Jr., Anthony
Clements, Tarol
Cluxton, Ann
Cobb, Floyd
Cochran, Courtney
Coda, Rebecca
Cohan, Audrey
Cohen, Michael
Cole, Christina
Collinge, Sarah
Coloroso, Barbara
Colver, Mitchell
Comer, Brent
Contreras, Julio César
Cook, Akbar
Cooper, Ashley
Cormier, David
Couros, George
Crawford, Paula
Croft, Rachel
Crowe, Robert
Cruchley, Diana
Cruz, Elisaul
Cruz, M. Colleen
Cummings, Courtney
Cunningham, Kelly
Cunningham-Morris, Ann
Curtis, Kevin
D'Aquanni, Christine
Darling-Hammond, Linda
Davidson, Derron
Davis, Alina
Dawkins-Jackson, Patrice
de St. Croix, Yvonne-Nicole
Dearborn, Grace
DeBose Akinnagbe, Geneviève
Decker, Kerry
Delisle, James
Dennery, Shella
Denton-Brown, Nick
DeNunzio, Karen
Derstine, Laura
Dewing, Tom
Dewitz, Peter
Dhanda, Aman
Diaz, Joseph
Dickerson, Maria
Dickey, Donyall
DiPasqua, Franco
Dixon-Payne, Deneen
Dodge, Michele
Dorta-Duque de Reyes, Silvia
Doubek, Brandon
Doubet, Kristina
Dowd, Heather
Doyle, Megan
Duckor, Brent
Dugan, Phyllis
Dultz, Cheryl
Duong, Mylien
Dworin, Sarah-Bess
Echols, Phil
Eisenberg, Bruce
Eisenberg, Ellen
Eisenberg, Jill
Eller, John
Eller, Sheila
Ellery, Valerie
Elmore, Tim
Ende, Fred
Eredics, Nicole
Ernest, Byron
Escola, Casey
Everette, Meghan
Fanning, Travis
Farias, Alissa
Farnsworth, Shaelynn
Farr, Wendy
Faulkner, Dave
Felix, Cynthia
Felling, Jane
Fender, Erin
Fields, Lesley
Finau-Faumuina, Bella
Finegan, Juliana
Fink, Whitney
Finn, Patrick
Fisher, Douglas
Fisher, Mike
Fisher, Rick
Flom, Jason
Flowers, Dr. Marquisha
Fogarty, Robin
Follari, Lissanna
Fong, Marlene
Forbes, Paul
Forbes, Suzanne
Ford, Cathey
Fort, Lisa
Fountas, Irene
Francis, Erik
Franzi, Natalie
Frey, Nancy
Friedrich, Jami
Froehlich, Mandy
Frontier, Tony
Fuciarelli, Megan
Fuga, Michael
Fullan, Michael
Fuller, Scott
Fullmer, Lauren
Gallagher, Alyssa
Gallagher, Kerry
Gannon, Christopher
Garcia, Roy
Gareis, Chris
Garner, Katie
Garrett, Chaunte
Garrison, Andrea
Gbenro, Dr. Hannah
Geurin, David
Giardina, Nicola
Gilbert, Melissa
Gilhuley, Steven
Giordano, Johna
Glass, Kathy
Goldthorp, Scott
González, Justine
Gooden, Mark Anthony
Goodman, Jarri
Goodwin, Bryan
Gow-Morrison, Lorna
Gradford-Hope, Marquetta
Grafwallner, Peg
Grant, Keasha
Grant, Maria
Green, Kammi
Gregory, David
Gregory, Ed.D., Nataki
Griffin Jr., Dennis
Gross, Megan
Gross, Rachel
Grostic, Peter
Gruenert, Steven
Gupta, Neil
Guskey, Thomas
Haden, Julie
Hale, Bryan
Hall, Betsy
Hamilton, Connie
Hamstra, Kyle
Haney, Zachary
Hardie, Eric
Harris, Bryan
Harris, Daman
Harris, Dr. Roy D.
Harrison, Ayodele
Heacox, Diane
Heath Lance, Doreen
Heineke, Amy
Heins, Elizabeth
Helman, Lori
Hempen, Brandy
Hentz, Susan
Herrell, Alex
Herrera, Socorro
Hicks, Freda
Hickson, Matthew
Hill, Michele
Hill, Teresa
Himmele, Persida
Himmele, William
Hodges, Brianna
Hoerr, Tom
Holik, Michael
Holland, Chuck
Holliday, Denise
Holmberg, Carrie
Holmes, Melissa
Holmes-Sutton, Dr. Tonia
Honey, Meg
Honigsfeld, Andrea
Horner, Glenda
Horton, Ed.D., Heather
Houck, Bonnie
Howard, Daryl
Hudson, Gail
Hughes, Gary
Hull, Janie
Hunter II, Earl
Hunter, Marla
Hurwitz, Lisa
Hyerle, Dr. David
Ilori, Babatunde
Imbeau, Marcia
Isiah, Rosa
Jackson, Kim
Jackson, Robert
Jackson, Robyn
Jackson, Stephen
Jackson, Yvette
Jacobs, Heidi
Jakicic, Chris
Janka, Mark
Jarmon, Mark
Javius, Edwin
Jennings, Cam
Jensen, Eric
Jimenez, Amy
Jocz, Daniel
Johns, Beverley
Johnson, Brandon
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Kelly
Johnston, Spencer
Jones, Andrew
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Steph
Jordan, Molly
Kafele, Baruti
Kain, Lara
Kaiser, Ann
Kajitani, Alex
Kallick, Bena
Kandel, Juliet
Kanwhen, Karen
Karten, Toby
Katsikis, Violeta
Kaufeldt, Martha
Kaufman, Trynia
Kavimandan, Shabina
Keeny, Shannon
Kelly, Courtneay
Kelly, Wendy
Kennedy, Jane
Kessler, Susan
Khachatryan, Edit
Khanna, Sankalp
Kickbusch, Consuelo
Kimble, Paige
Kinard, Leslie
Kinn, Katryna
Kinzel, Sherry
Kirtman, Lyle
Kiyvyra, Dave
Klemp, Ronald
Knight, Jim
Knoell, Donna
Knox-Pipes, EdD, Beverly
Kohl, Sheila
Kortbein, Christine
Kramer, Jacob
Kreiness, Dan
Kreisman, Susan
Krenek, Alan
Krownapple, John
Kuhn, Deanna
Kundan, Jitendrapal
LaGrange, Irina
Laird, Michael
Lapp, Diane
Larmer, John
Larson, Garth
Lauterbach, Crissy
LeDoux, Shelly
Lee, PhD, Sarah M.
Leh, Krista
Lenger Kang, Roberta
Lentfer, Victoria
Leonard, Debbie
Levy, Joan
Levy, Kenneth
Lewis, Beatrice
Lewis, Erin
Lewis, Kirsten
Lewis, Scarlett
Licato, Kimberly
Liebtag, Emily
Lime, Melissa
Lingenfelter, Jessica
Link, Laura
Linney, Tara
Little, Leigh Ann
Loeffler, Corrie
Lopez, Ignacio
Lotan, Rachel
Loury, Ed.D., Cait
Lovely, Suzette
Lucy, Faith
Lund, Stephanie
Lura, Jessica
Lyding, Linnea
Lyons, Caitlin
Ma, Lindsey
Ma, Staci
Mabry, Tommie
Macaruso, Paul
MacCrindle, Amy
Maceo, Betty
Mackall, Desmond
Magnus, Virginia
Mahan, Farrah
Maniscalo, Domenico
Mapes, Pat
Marin, Basil
Markholt, Anneke
Marklein, Karen
Maroun, Jamil
Marsden, Laura
Marshall, Jeff
Martin, Craig
Martin, Timothy
Martinez, William
Martini, Meredyth
Matheney, Tim
Mauriello, Jason
Maxcy, Rebecca
Mayeaux, Amanda
Mayfield, Vernita
McCaig, Sheri
McCall, Renee
McCartan, Kimberly
McCartney, Alison
McClennen, Nate
McConchie, Liesl
McCoy Prime, Stacy
McCray, Carissa
McKee, Kenneth
McKibben, Sarah
McLeod, Kimberly
McLurkin, Kandice
McPeak, Andrew
McQueen, Candice
McTighe, Jay
McWenie, Megan
Medlock, Emily
Meehan, John
Meeks, Renee
Mehrbach, Lauren
Mejia, Ernesto
Melton, Carla
Mendoza, Brenda
Meoli, David
Messer, Rick
Metz, Robert
Mickens, Justin
Mielwocki, Rebecca
Migliori, Rocco
Mihelbergel, Adam
Miller, Danielle
Minahan, Jessica
Minakami, Derek
Mingle, Leigh
Mock, Aspen
Moirao, Daniel
Monaghan, Peter
Montes, Terry
Mui, Becca
Mullenholz, Gregory
Murawski, Wendy
Murphy, Michael
Murray, Thomas
Musiowsky-Borneman, Tamera
Nacamuli Klebs, Debora
Nair, Prakash
Nance, Michelle
Nava, Marco A.
Neagoy, Monica
Nehlsen, Daniel
Neville, Alan
Ngissah, Aba
Niguidula, David
Noguera, Pedro
Nordengren, Chase
Norlin, John
O'Brien, Cynthia
Oczkus, Lori
Oliver-O'Gilvie, Heidi
Olsen, Monica
Oltman, Gretchen
Orchard, Keith
Orr, Jennifer
Ortega, Josette
Ortiz-Herscher, Kathy
Ostertag, Genny
Owoimaha-Church, Estella
Pace, Kyle
Paek, Pamela
Pajardo, Phyllis
Palmer, Erik
Parkerson, Emma
Parrett, William
Pasquale, Hannah
Pearson, Kati
Peery, Angela
Pekar, Kathleen
Perez, Eilsa
Perini, Matthew
Perret, Kathy
Pete, Brian
Pfaff, Sharee
Pfeiffer Jr, John
Pham, Stephen
Phelan, Diane
Piechura, Kathy
Pieratt, Jennifer
Pijanowski, John
Pine, Jessica
Pinnell, Gay Su
Portnoy, Lindsay
Posey, Alanda
Pough, Natalie
Pratt, Catherine
Quinn, Holly
Qureshi, Umair
Rambo, Susan
Randall, Allison
Rankin, Jenny
Rapsis-Arpin, Nicole
Rasinski, Timothy
Ravesi-Weinstein, Christine
Ray, Joshua
Rebora, Anthony
Redding, Theodora
Redford, Kyle
Reed, Amie
Reeves, Douglas
Rembert, Keisha
Resh, Melissa
Rhodes, Dr. Joan
Richmond, Tisha
Rickabaugh, James
Rios, Victor
Robertson, Ricky
Robinson, Joshua
Rock, Marcie
Rodewald, Kathy
Rodman, Allison
Rodriguez Salvo, Monica
Rodriguez, Celeste
Rollin, Miriam
Romero, Victoria
Rosenthal, Arthur
Rossiter, Devin
Roth, LaVonna
Rouleau, Kristin
Roussel, Laura
Sackstein, Starr
Saelens, Patricia
Sams, Aaron
Scardino, Julie
Scheibe, Cyndy
Schmit, Colleen
Schmittou, David
Schmoker, Mike
Schrader, Tammie
Schwanke, Jen
Scott, Bess
Searle, Margaret
Sears, Janine
Seegmiller, Dan
Seguin, Brian
Serravallo, Jennifer
Shakun, Shakun
Sheehy, Ryan
Sheninger, Eric
Shields, Christopher
Shields, Regis
Silver, Harvey
Simeral, Alisa
Simmers, Lynn
Sisil, Sheryl
Skyles, Tricia
Slade, Sean
Slakk, Shawn
Smith, Dominique
Smith, Kenneth
Snodgrass, April
Snyder, Jennie
Sorensen, Dana
Sornson, Bob
Sperry, Chris
Sponenburgh, Lori
Sprenger, Marilee
Sprick, Jessica
Sprick, Marilyn
Squalls, Lorie
St. John, Joshua
Steele, Danny
Steineke, Nancy
Sterrett, Bill
Stewart, Marques
Stewart-Ruck, Jodie
Street, Ed.D., Nathan
Strezishar, Emily
Suggs, James
Sullivan, LMSW, Elizabeth
Surprenant, Maria-Elena
Swartz, Marilyn
Szucs, M.Ed, Ph.D., CHES, Leigh E.
Tabrizi, Cassie
Tait, Aaron
Tanner-Anderson, Sarah
Tantillo Philibert, Carla
Taylor, Rosemarye
Teehan, Kara
Thang, Sarah
Thayre, Marisol
Thomas, Ronnie
Thomas-EL, Salome
Thompson, Al
Thordarson, Kami
Tichenor, Mercedes
Tomlinson, Carol Ann
Toth, Michael
Towns, Bernadette
Treadwell, Ph.D., Joy
Tricarico, Dan
Truitt, Tiffany
Tutt, Marva
Tyink, Scott
Urtubey, L. Juliana
Vacchio, Michelle
Valenti, Darbie
Valentine, Merlyna
Van Dellen, Mandi
Vanhala, Michelle
Vannoy, Robin
Vari, Thomas
Vatterott, Cathy
Veatch, Sheila
Venables, Brady
Venables, Daniel R.
Ventura, Steve
Vollrath, Daniel
Vontz, Karen
Vorensky, Sandy
Vujicic, Nick
Wagner, Timothy
Walerstein, Chad
Waller, Jeff
Ward-Roncalli, Susan
Washington, Monica
Weber, Steven
Weltsek, Bernadette
Wenzl, Bristol
Westerberg, Tim
Westman, Lisa
Whalen, John
Whitaker, Todd
Williams, Jasmine
Willis, Judy
Willis, Malana
Wilson, Donna
Wing, Kelisa
Winkler, Henry
Wise, Jennifer
Wolfe Maxlow, Kate
Wolfe, Brett
Wray, Britney
Wright, Chris
York, Patrick
Young, Anita
Yuknis, Christina
Zacarian, Debbie
Zelenetz, Dr. Tracy
Zmuda, Allison
Session Date
March 12, 2020
March 13, 2020
March 14, 2020
March 15, 2020
March 16, 2020
Attendee Role (select one):
Central Office Staff
School-Based Administrators
Teacher Leaders
Higher Education
Literacy Specialists
School Counselors
Instructional Coaches
Other roles
All Roles
Academic & Behavioral Interventions
Assessment & Grading
Classroom Culture & Climate
Cognitive Development & Brain Science
Collaboration & Communication
College & Career Readiness
Cultural Competency
Curriculum Design & Lesson Planning
Educational Tools & Technology
Educator Burnout & Retention
English Language Learners
Exceptional Learners & Inclusion
Family & Community Engagement
Global Education & Perspectives
Instructional Leadership & Coaching
Instructional Strategies
Personal & Professional Development
Principal Effectiveness
School & District Management
School Culture & Climate
School Improvement & Reform
SEL & Emotional Wellbeing
STEM & STEAM Education
Struggling Students
Student Engagement & Motivation
Teacher Effectiveness & Evaluation
Trauma / Stress / ACEs
Whole Child
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Thursday, March 12
Session Title
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
PC01 - Differentiating Instruction: A Differentiated Tour (Paid Event)
Michael Murphy
Marcia Imbeau
Carol Ann Tomlinson
PC02 - Creating Meaning Making: Tools and Strategies for Developing Deep Understanding (Paid Event)
Jay McTighe
Harvey Silver
PC03 - How to Present a "Can’t Miss" PD Every Time (Paid Event)
Eric Jensen
Liesl McConchie
Friday, March 13
Session Title
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
PC01 - Differentiating Instruction: A Differentiated Tour (Paid Event)
Carol Ann Tomlinson
Michael Murphy
Marcia Imbeau
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
PC24 - Sharing Your Education Knowledge with the World (Paid Event)
Jenny Rankin
PC26 - Writing Beyond School (Paid Event)
Maria Grant
Diane Lapp
Marisol Thayre
PC27 - Disrupting Poverty: Five Powerful School and Classroom Practices (Paid Event)
Kathleen Budge
William Parrett
PC33 - Making Coherence Work (Paid Event)
Michael Fullan
Lyle Kirtman
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
CANCELED - PC09 - What We Say and How We Say It Matter (Paid Event)
Mike Anderson
PC02 - Creating Meaning Making: Tools and Strategies for Developing Deep Understanding (Paid Event)
Jay McTighe
Harvey Silver
PC03 - How to Present a "Can’t Miss" PD Every Time (Paid Event)
Eric Jensen
Liesl McConchie
PC04 - Performance-Based Assessment and Project-Based Learning: Implementing Powerful and Equitable Learning Experiences (Paid Event)
Eric Carbaugh
Kristina Doubet
PC05 - The Top 5 Techniques for Improving Academic and Behavior Results (Paid Event)
Marilyn Swartz
Margaret Searle
PC06 - Tackling K–12 Attendance Challenges: From Prevention to Intervention (Paid Event)
Jessica Sprick
PC07 - Face It, Trace It, Replace It: Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline (Paid Event)
Casey Bethel
Kelisa Wing
Tate Aldrich
PC10 - What We Know About Grading: Keys to Success in Grading Reform (Paid Event)
Thomas Guskey
Susan Brookhart
PC13 - Student Learning That Works: A Brain-Based Model for Deeper Learning (Paid Event)
Bryan Goodwin
PC14 - Empowering Teachers, Empowering Students: Leveraging Relationships and Instructional Routines to Close the Gap (Paid Event)
Jill Harrison Berg
Renee McCall
PC15 - Cultivating Growth Mindsets: 20 Strategies for Educators (Paid Event)
Donna Wilson
PC17 - How to Give Teachers Feedback Without Pushback, Hurt Feelings, or Blank Stares (Paid Event)
Robyn Jackson
PC22 - Meeting Students’ Needs through Trauma-Invested Practices (Paid Event)
Keith Orchard
PC23 - All Learning is Social and Emotional (Paid Event)
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
Dominique Smith
PC29 - What Exactly is Depth of Knowledge? (Paid Event)
Erik Francis
PC30 - 7 Secrets of Great Instructional Coaching Programs (Paid Event)
Jim Knight
12:30 PM - 3:30 PM
PC25 - The Forces of Influence: Leveraging Relationships to Lead Effective Change (Paid Event)
Fred Ende
Meghan Everette
PC28 - Schoolwide Integration of Social and Emotional Learning: Lessons Learned from High-Performing, High-Poverty Schools (Paid Event)
Kathleen Budge
William Parrett
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
WR: Welcome Reception
Saturday, March 14
Session Title
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
1141 - The Whole Teacher
Kerry Gallagher
Brianna Hodges
1101 - At-Risk & Hard-to-Reach Students: Understand Them to Teach Them
Tommie Mabry
1103 - 7 Teacher Moves That Make the Difference in Project-Based Learning
Suzie Boss
John Larmer
1104 - Discovering Achievement Teams - The Key to Effective Collaboration
Steve Ventura
1106 - Balanced Literacy
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
1108 - CREATES: Creating Culturally Responsive and Sustainable Learning Environments in New York City Schools
Paul Forbes
1109 - Circular Work in a Triangular World: How to Have Conversations Beyond Race, Class, and Culture
Shannon Keeny
1113 - Cultivating Growth Mindsets: Strategies That Work
Donna Wilson
1115 - Developing Emotional Literacy: Creating Kinder, More Empathic Learners in 30 Days
Sherry Kinzel
1116 - Ditch the Clip Chart
Dominique Smith
1117 - Empowering Techniques That Maximize Student Engagement
Jeff Waller
1118 - Enlivening the Learning Brain: Responding to Educational Trauma
Spencer Johnston
Jacob Kramer
Erin Budin
Emily Strezishar
1119 - Ensuring Equitable Opportunity for Minority Students in Low-Poverty Schools
Gregory Mullenholz
Jennifer Baker
Irina LaGrange
1120 - Equity in STEM with the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of African American History and Culture
Allison Randall
1122 - How to Deal with Adults Behaving Badly: Strategies for Creating Respectful and Supportive School Cultures
Erik Francis
Rebecca Coda
1123 - Leadership When You Aren’t the “Leader”
Joshua Robinson
Ann Cluxton
Rachel Bostick
1124 - Leadership for Formative Assessment
Susan Brookhart
1125 - Supporting Culturally Linguistic Students from Immigrant Families
Brenda Mendoza
1126 - Life, Literacy, and the Pursuit of Content: Autism Spectrum Disorder at School
Barbara Boroson
1128 - Make Learning Meaningful with Interdisciplinary Lessons
Michele Dodge
1129 - Making Microcredentials Meaningful: A Teacher’s Perspective
Lisa Fort
1130 - Managing Challenging Behaviors
Josette Ortega
Bernadette Towns
1131 - Moving from Impossible to Possible: Creating and Sustaining a Positive School Climate
Merlyna Valentine
1132 - Ready or Not, Here I Come! Executive Functions and College Readiness
Christina Yuknis
Alina Davis
1133 - Relationship Language: Intentionally Inspire and Impel Greater Classroom Connections
Alan Krenek
1136 - Supporting English Language Learners in the Math Classroom
Silvia Aparicio
Stephanie Lund
1137 - Supporting Refugee Children in U.S. Public Schools
Timothy Wagner
1139 - The Coaching Partnership: Facilitating Systemic Change for Improved Achievement
Rosemarye Taylor
Carol Chanter
Marjorie Ceballos
1143 - Underachievement or Underlearning? A Systemic Approach to Supporting Learners in Inclusive Classrooms
Diane Heacox
1145 - What to Do with All That Student Data: Actionable Steps to Manage Data Analysis
Leigh Mingle
1147 - With Equity and Rigor for All: Creating Sustainable Open Enrollment Advanced Placement Courses (Part 1 of 3)
Daniel Jocz
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
1201 - Featured Session: Coherent School Leadership in the Real World
Michael Fullan
Lyle Kirtman
Janelle Bradshaw
1202 - Featured Session: The Four Essential Elements of Great Instructional Coaching Programs
Jim Knight
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
1347 - Modern Mentor: Reimagining Mentorship in Education
1348 - Podcasting for the Classroom: Enhance Learning Through Audio Storytelling
1361 - Reimagining Supervision: Improving Literacy Outcomes by Observing, Supporting, and Elevating Teacher Growth
Gay Su Pinnell
Irene Fountas
1365 - Three Challenges Generation Z Faces and What Educators Can Do
Tim Elmore
1301 - 7 Elements of Effective Change Leadership
Eric Sheninger
1304 - All Students Can Read Complex Texts
Maria Grant
Diane Lapp
Kelly Johnson
1305 - Are You Planning an Activity or Teaching a Skill?
Peg Grafwallner
1306 - Charting a Course to Standards-Based Grading: What to Stop, What to Start, and Why It Matters
Tim Westerberg
1307 - Coaching Resistant Teachers
Amy Jimenez
1309 - Creating Future-Ready Schools and Classrooms
Thomas Murray
1310 - Creating Inclusive, Equitable Spaces for Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Students: Part 1
Becca Mui
1311 - Engagement by Design
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
Dominique Smith
1313 - Featured Session: Becoming the Educator They Need: Strategies for Supporting Black and Latino Males
Robert Jackson
1316 - From Breakout to Breaking In: Reverse Escape Rooms
John Meehan
1317 - From Look-For Lists to Learning: Observation and Feedback Practices That Work
Alisa Simeral
1320 - Honing Writing and Social Media Messaging for Effective Advocacy
Meghan Everette
1321 - How Culturally Responsive School Leaders Can Develop Culturally Responsive Schools
Mark Anthony Gooden
Dawn Brooks-DeCosta
1322 - How to Design Learning for Deep Understanding and Transfer
Tom Dewing
Harvey Silver
1323 - How to Get Your Staff to Implement Change Ideas Every Time
Eric Jensen
1324 - Let Me Lead! Teacher Leadership Models That Empower
Christopher Gannon
Brandon Johnson
1325 - Level Up! Building Language and Literacy to Close the Achievement Gap
Teresa Hill
1326 - Motivating Struggling Staff and Students with the Brain in Mind
Liesl McConchie
1328 - Peer Coaching That Works: Tools for Success
Kristin Rouleau
1329 - Performance-Based Assessment or Project-Based Learning? Choosing and Using the Best Approach
Kristina Doubet
Eric Carbaugh
Jay McTighe
1331 - RTI: Implementing Successful Interventions for Struggling Students
Nicole Rapsis-Arpin
1333 - Revisiting High-Poverty, High-Performing Schools: New Strategies for a New Era
William Parrett
Kathleen Budge
1334 - Robotics Education: A Portal to Learning and Success for All Students
Donna Knoell
1336 - The Fab Four: Dramatically Boost Reading Achievement and Promote Equity with Reciprocal Teaching
Lori Oczkus
1337 - The Four Question-Answer Relationships
Connie Hamilton
Starr Sackstein
1340 - The Science of Struggle: How Challenges, Failures, and Do-Overs Can Build Brain Connections
Martha Kaufeldt
1341 - Using Powerful Visuals to Ignite Curiosity, Conversation, and Creativity in K–12 Mathematics
Jennifer Bay-Williams
1344 - Why Project-Based Learning Is Good for English Learners . . . and How to Support Them
John Larmer
Eilsa Perez
1345 - Infographics Are More Than Just Posters: Creative Classroom Uses
1346 - The Essentials of Classroom Management and Behavior Support
Jessica Sprick
1349 - CDC’s School Health Resources: Tools to Enhance Policies, Practices, and Curriculum Supporting WSCC
Leigh E. Szucs, M.Ed, Ph.D., CHES
Sarah M. Lee, PhD
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
BOOK SIGNING: Shannon Keeny
BOOK SIGNING: Susan Brookhart & Thomas Guskey
Susan Brookhart
Thomas Guskey
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
GS01 - General Session: Attitude Is Altitude
Nick Vujicic
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
AUTHOR TALK: Carol Ann Tomlinson & Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson
Carol Ann Tomlinson
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
TT111 - Turbo Talk: 5 Ways to Motivate the Unmotivated
Peter Grostic
TT211 - Turbo Talk: They All Saw a Cat: A Lesson on Empathy
Sharee Pfaff
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
KL01 - Equity in Practice, One Teacher at a Time: Emotional Support in the Lives of Marginalized Students (Paid Event)
Victor Rios
KL03 - Cultivating Resilience in Educators (Paid Event)
Elena Aguilar
LL101 - Lunch & Learn: Let’s Get Messy!!! Mathematical Modeling (K-12)
LL102 - Lunch & Learn: The Direction of Dyslexia
LL103 - Lunch & Learn: Moving Beyond Trauma
Patrick York
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
AUTHOR TALK: Thomas Hoerr
Tom Hoerr
BOOK SIGNING: Carol Ann Tomlinson & Robert Jackson
Robert Jackson
Carol Ann Tomlinson
12:20 PM - 12:35 PM
TT212 - Turbo Talk: The Correlation Between Teacher Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance of Low-SES Students
Arthur Rosenthal
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
SS101 - Successful School Showcase
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
AUTHOR TALK: Lyle Kirtman, Fred Ende & Meghan Everette
Fred Ende
Lyle Kirtman
Meghan Everette
BOOK SIGNING: Thomas Hoerr
Tom Hoerr
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM
TT114 - Turbo Talk: Student-Led Conferences: Putting the Student in the Driver’s Seat
Kirsten Lewis
Andrea Garrison
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
BOOK SIGNING: Lyle Kirtman, Fred Ende & Meghan Everette
Fred Ende
Lyle Kirtman
Meghan Everette
1:20 PM - 1:35 PM
TT115 - Turbo Talk: Empower Through Creativity: Reasonable Identification and Practices, Reasonably Applied
Yvonne-Nicole de St. Croix
TT215 - Turbo Talk: How Blended Learning Can Improve the Reading Skills of English Language Learners
Paul Macaruso
Lisa Hurwitz
Sarah Thang
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
1401 - Make Curriculum Modifications in Minutes
Nicole Eredics
1402 - Academic Conversations: How to Help Students Grow as Independent Learners
Jennifer Orr
1405 - Unlocking Student Performance with Experiential Outdoor Learning
Jarri Goodman
Wendy Kelly
1:30 PM - 3:15 PM
1403 - Film Screening: Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Fostering Teens’ Self-Awareness and Social Responsibility to Create a Better World
Pamela Paek
1:40 PM - 1:55 PM
TT216 - Turbo Talk: Mentoring Matters: The Power of Class Social Media Accounts
Jennifer Casa-Todd
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
1561 - Sensory-Cognitive Instruction in Response to a State Dyslexia Mandate
Dave Kiyvyra
Cathey Ford
1562 - Empowering Students & Educators with New Tools for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Darren Austin
1565 - A New Way to Approach Social & Emotional Learning
Andrew McPeak
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
1501 - Restoring Our Children: Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Kelisa Wing
1502 - Inquiring Minds: Teaching and Learning with Good Questions
Erik Francis
1503 - 17 Things Resilient Teachers Do (and 4 Things They Hardly Ever Do)
Bryan Harris
1504 - All Learning Is Social and Emotional
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
Dominique Smith
1505 - Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions About K–12 Homework
Cathy Vatterott
1506 - Are Your Schools Designed for Learning? How to Tell and Why It Matters
James Rickabaugh
1507 - Building Resilient Schools: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Equitable, Trauma-Informed Practices
Victoria Romero
Ricky Robertson
1508 - Challenge Student Thinking With Thinking Maps and Habits of Mind
Dr. David Hyerle
1510 - Confronting Racial Microaggressions to Increase Awareness and Challenge Bias
Krista Leh
Basil Marin
1511 - Culture First, Last, and Always: 5 Easy Steps to Enhancing School Culture
Timothy Martin
Chad Walerstein
1513 - Differentiation: It’s Not an "I-Already-Do-That" Kind of Thing
Carol Ann Tomlinson
1514 - Doing Poorly on Purpose: Strategies to Reverse Underachievement and Respect Student Dignity
James Delisle
1515 - Emerging Leaders Ignite! Snapshots of Supporting and Engaging All Learners
Meghan Everette
1518 - Fostering Success with Students Learning English: An Instructional Leader’s Guide
Lori Helman
1520 - Implementing Relationship Circles to Strengthen School Culture
John Whalen
Denise Holliday
1521 - Instructional Learning Visits: Building a Collaborative, Sustainable Culture of Learning for All
Bruce Eisenberg
Ellen Eisenberg
Karen DeNunzio
1523 - Leading for the Whole Child
Christopher Gannon
Brandon Johnson
1524 - Learning Transformed: Eight Keys to Designing Tomorrow’s Schools Today
Thomas Murray
1525 - Lessons Learned from Educators Who Use Social-Emotional Learning to Disrupt Poverty
Kathleen Budge
William Parrett
1527 - Making Authentic Professional Learning Communities Work in Small Schools
Daniel R. Venables
1528 - Passionate Leadership: Motivating and Inspiring Leaders to Develop Cultures That Impact Everyone
Salome Thomas-EL
Thomas Vari
Joseph Jones
1529 - Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom
Jessica Minahan
1531 - Selecting Digital Tools That Create Equitable Learning Opportunities
Eric Carbaugh
Kristina Doubet
1532 - Stop Reading Off Your PowerPoint! Improving Your Students’ Presentations
Crissy Lauterbach
1533 - Stop and Listen! How Education Leaders Can Gain Powerful Insights from Their School Community
Aaron Tait
1534 - Strategies and Solutions to Promote Equity and Support Students Living in Poverty
Eric Jensen
1535 - Teaching for Deeper Learning: Tools to Engage Students in Meaning Making
Jay McTighe
Harvey Silver
1536 - The Instructional Leadership Corps: Putting Professional Learning in the Hands of the Profession
Dion Burns
Rachel Lotan
Melissa Gilbert
Marlene Fong
Aba Ngissah
Ashley Cooper
1537 - The Principal Influence: Developing Leadership Capacity in Principals and Aspiring Principals
Ann Cunningham-Morris
Phyllis Pajardo
1538 - The Relevant Classroom: Six Steps to Foster Real-World Learning
Eric Hardie
1540 - Trauma in Schools and Its Effect on Teachers
Keisha Allen-Smith
1541 - Understanding the Problem You Are Trying to Solve: Causal System Analysis
Patrice Dawkins-Jackson
Emma Parkerson
Edit Khachatryan
1544 - Strategic Storytelling for Schools: 10 Must-Try Social Media Tips
Monica Burns
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
LT01 - Apps for Mathematical Thinking
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
ASCD Board of Directors Q&A
2:20 PM - 2:35 PM
TT118 - Turbo Talk:Teachers’ Beliefs on Using Technology and Instructional Choices When Teaching Math
Sandy Vorensky
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
1601 - Efficacy Matters: Building Teacher Effectiveness Through Empowerment
Alanda Posey
1602 - Building Student Agency Through the Power of Place
Emily Liebtag
Nate McClennen
1604 - Predicting Failure: How High-Stakes Standardized Assessments Influence Students, Schools, and Districts
Jamil Maroun
2:40 PM - 2:55 PM
TT219 - Turbo Talk: The Craft of Co-Crafting
Devin Rossiter
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
LT02 - Making Science a Priority
Jacquey Barber
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
TT1120 - Turbo Talk: Using Number Talks to Improve Number Sense for Students with Learning Disabilities
Jami Friedrich
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
SS102 - Successful School Showcase
3:20 PM - 3:35 PM
TT221 - Turbo Talk: Overcoming Adult-Created Barriers to Postsecondary Opportunities for Marginalized Youth
Amanda Mayeaux
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM
LT03 - Empowering Student to Drive Discovery
Theodora Redding
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
BOOK SIGNING: Harvey Silver, Jay McTighe, Kristina Doubet, & Eric Carbaugh
Jay McTighe
Eric Carbaugh
Harvey Silver
Kristina Doubet
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
1714 - California Department of Education’s SEL Guiding Principles and Resource Guide
Aileen Allison-Zarea
1719 - Featured Session: Culturize Yourself
Jimmy Casas
1740 - Teaching the WHOLE Child
Kyle Pace
Brianna Hodges
1765 - Three Ways to Move Students from Entitlement to Ownership
1701 - Fun Weird Science! STEAM-Based Lesson Hooks
Ronnie Thomas
1702 - Strengths-Based Problem Solving
Margaret Searle
Marilyn Swartz
1703 - Understanding Texts and Readers: Making Comprehension Make Sense
Jennifer Serravallo
1704 - Project LIT Community Book Clubs: Igniting Readers, Leaders, and Changemakers
Geneviève DeBose Akinnagbe
Jessica Lingenfelter
1705 - Literacy for the Whole Child: Building Students’ Metacognition, Motivation, and Ownership of Learning
Kathleen Pekar
Leanna Brown
1706 - ASCD Emerging Leaders Class of 2018 Ignite! Snapshots of Promoting the Needs of the Whole Child
Jamil Maroun
1707 - ASCD’s Whole Child Approach: The Learning Compact Renewed
Sean Slade
1708 - Action for Equity: Everyday Dignity
John Krownapple
Floyd Cobb
1709 - Advocating for a Math Fact Fluency Plan to Support Every Student
Jennifer Bay-Williams
1710 - Be GLAD: Strategies for Creating a Community of Collaborative Learners
Christine D'Aquanni
1712 - Bring All Families into Learning: Breaking Down Barriers to Family Engagement
1715 - Collective Teacher Efficacy: Strategies to Improve Academic Performance and Increase College and Career Readiness
Michelle Nance
1716 - Creating Inclusive, Equitable Spaces for Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Students: Part 2
Becca Mui
1717 - Developing a Shared Focus on Teaching and Learning to Improve Instruction
Jennie Snyder
Anneke Markholt
1718 - Equity Leadership: The What, the How, and the Why
Chaunte Garrett
1720 - Finding Calm Within the Crisis: Developing Protocols for Behavioral Health Crisis Management
Liz Belton
1721 - Gen Me: Recruiting, Retaining, and Leading Millennial Educators
Justine González
Brent Comer
1722 - How Understanding Race and Implicit Bias Affects Opportunity Gaps
Mark Anthony Gooden
Dawn Brooks-DeCosta
1723 - How to Prepare Your Teachers to Reach All Learners
Kyle Redford
Trynia Kaufman
1724 - Implicit Bias Awareness: How New York City is Changing the Hearts and Minds of Educators and Administrators
Paul Forbes
1725 - Inequities Hidden in Plain View: Common School Practices That Disadvantage the Already Disadvantaged
Earl Hunter II
1727 - Our Multitiered System of Supports Is Missing Something: Equity
Edwin Javius
1728 - Preventing Data Drowning: Filtering District Evidence for Effective Decision Making
Brandon Doubek
Babatunde Ilori
Sheryl Sisil
1729 - Project Remodel: How to Make Project-Based Learning More Relevant, Rigorous, Authentic, and Engaging
Suzie Boss
1730 - Protecting Students’ Civil Right to Education
Miriam Rollin
Monica Washington
Estella Owoimaha-Church
1732 - Reaching Students Who Have Special Needs . . . and the Parents Who Come with Them
Barbara Boroson
1734 - Restorative Practices in the Classroom
Dominique Smith
1735 - Service with a Smile: Tips and Strategies for More Effective Interactions
Fred Ende
1737 - Social-Emotional Learning Isn’t One More Thing to Add to the Plate—It Is the Plate
Alissa Farias
1738 - Teacher Clarity: The Pathway to Better Learning
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
1739 - Teaching Up: A Collaborative Approach to Preparing Teachers to Differentiate Instruction
Marcia Imbeau
1741 - The Bully, the Bullied, and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander: Breaking the Cycle, Creating Caring Schools
Barbara Coloroso
1742 - The Formative Five: Building Both Moral and Performance SEL in School Culture
Tom Hoerr
1743 - The Pedagogy of Blended Learning
Eric Sheninger
1744 - The Principal’s Role in the Instructional Process: Implications for School Site Leaders and Instructional Coaches
Steve Ventura
1745 - The Zen Teacher: Creating Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility in the Classroom
Dan Tricarico
1746 - Next Gen Teacher: Integrating Technology, Teacher Learning and SEL
Debbie Leonard
Marcey Aronson
1748 - Using BrainSMART Teaching Practices to Ensure Active, Engaged Learning
Donna Wilson
1751 - What We Know About Grading and Reporting Student Learning
Thomas Guskey
Susan Brookhart
4:00 PM - 4:20 PM
LT04 - Making Science a Priority
Jacquey Barber
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
BOOK SIGNING: William Parrett & Kathleen Budge
Kathleen Budge
William Parrett
4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
GS02 - President’s General Session with Sinbad
Sunday, March 15
Session Title
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
2102 - Dear Principal: Eight Honest Strategies to Support Happy and Healthy Teachers
Colleen Schmit
2103 - Designing the Future: How Engineering Builds Creative, Critical Thinkers in the Classroom
Ann Kaiser
2107 - Increasing Transparency and Clarity in the Classroom Through Student Learning Maps
Andrew Jones
Jodie Stewart-Ruck
2109 - Is My School a Better School Because I Lead It?
Baruti Kafele
2110 - Making Goal Setting Part of Your School’s Culture
Chase Nordengren
2111 - Nurturing Skills for a Good Life
Suzette Lovely
James Rickabaugh
2112 - Potential, Practice, and Passion: Genius Hour and Its Effect on a Middle School Classroom
Sheila Kohl
Kathy Rodewald
2115 - Real Talk: Using Empathy Interviews to Improve School Culture
Mark Janka
Melissa Resh
2116 - Starting from Scratch: The Benefits and Challenges of Establishing a Teachers for Tomorrow Program
Karen Johnson
2117 - The Literacy Lens Audit: Looking at Literacy Through a New Lens
Angela Peery
2118 - The Nation’s Report Card: Using NAEP to Make Informed Decisions for Your School and Classroom
Stephen Jackson
2119 - The Number Core Leads Us to the Pathway of Number Sense
Lori Sponenburgh
2120 - The Voice-Activated Classroom: What Roles Do Digital Assistants Play in Education?
Devin Rossiter
2121 - Transforming Students’ Motivation and Engagement Through Intentional Relationships
Robert Metz
Patrick Finn
Caitlin Lyons
2122 - Understanding Trauma in the General Education Classroom: An Unseen Epidemic
Eileen Cetera
2123 - Using Student Learning Objectives to Promote Student Growth
Alan Neville
2124 - Who Are You? Finding the Courage to Lead Without Permission
Gail Hudson
Dr. Tonia Holmes-Sutton
2125 - Who’s Afraid of a Little Data-Driven Instruction?
Mark Jarmon
Jason Mauriello
2126 - Why We Write: Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and 21st Century Writing Skills to Promote Schoolwide Equity
2127 - Zentangle in the Classroom: A Creative Method for Self-Regulation in a 3.5” Square
Christine Kortbein
Scott Tyink
8:15 AM - 9:45 AM
2220 - ASCD Forum on Educator Well-Being
2221 - Designing A Culturally Relevant and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
2222 - Culture is Behavior: Positively Impacting Student AND Staff Behavior
John Norlin
2230 - Featured Session: Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline
2201 - A Global Perspective on Transient Families: Building Resilience Within Your Changing Population
Tamera Musiowsky-Borneman
2203 - Co-Teaching Do’s, Don’ts, and Do Better’s
Toby Karten
Wendy Murawski
2204 - Cultural Competency Now
Vernita Mayfield
2205 - Developing Reflective Habits to Disrupt Poverty
Kathleen Budge
Alisa Simeral
2206 - Engaging Every Student in Challenging Classroom Conversations Through Constructivist Media Decoding
Chris Sperry
Cyndy Scheibe
2208 - Four Promising Practices to Transform Teacher Performance
Craig Martin
2210 - How to Build a Passionate Staff of Inspired Instructional Leaders and Innovators
Dave Faulkner
2211 - Igniting Teacher Leadership: Empowering Innovation and Collaboration in Your School
Bill Sterrett
2212 - Implementing Engaging and Effective Reading and Writing Strategies and Assessments
Kathy Glass
2213 - No Way, Not Me: Disrupting the Path to Principal Burnout
Jen Schwanke
2215 - Student Voice and the Crucial Need to Teach Speaking Skills
Erik Palmer
2216 - The Empathetic School: Aspiring to New Goals in Teaching and Leading
Michael Murphy
Carol Ann Tomlinson
2217 - Six Early Warning Signs Your School Culture Is Turning Toxic
Robyn Jackson
2218 - Understanding by Design Meets Neuroscience
Jay McTighe
Judy Willis
2219 - We Did It! Real School Improvement Strategies for School Leaders by School Leaders
Susan Kessler
April Snodgrass
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
2311 - Featured Session: The Innovator’s Mindset
George Couros
2328 - How Do You Recruit, Develop, Retain, and Empower More Male Educators of Color?!? You BOND!
Kenneth Smith
Daman Harris
Daryl Howard
Desmond Mackall
2365 - Three Challenges Generation Z Faces & What Educators Can Do
2301 - Accelerating the Learning Curve for Young School Leaders
Kerry Gallagher
Natalie Franzi
Kyle Hamstra
Adam Brown
2302 - Asking the Right Questions for Building Success
Neil Gupta
2303 - Busting the Lead in Leadership: A Jamaican Experience
Lorna Gow-Morrison
Derron Davidson
2305 - Closing the Teaching and Learning Gap: Evidence-Centered Classroom Assessments and Shared Success Criteria
Tony Frontier
2306 - Connecting Globally: Harnessing Empathy and Purpose in a Digital Age
Tara Linney
2308 - Equity: Awakening, Advocacy, and Activism
Chaunte Garrett
Jason Flom
Basil Marin
2309 - Essential EdTech in Action: How to Empower Students as Creators and Collaborators
Monica Burns
2310 - Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies to Use Right Now
Steven Anderson
Shaelynn Farnsworth
2314 - Mindset, Resiliency and Grit: 3 Keys to Unlocking Academic Success in All Students
Tara Brown
2315 - Personalizing Learning and Assessment with Digital Badges
David Niguidula
2317 - Rethinking Reciprocity: The Dynamic Role of Writing in Reading Comprehension
Jennifer Serravallo
M. Colleen Cruz
2318 - Say No to the Status Quo: I Speak Up for Equity
Daniel Moirao
2319 - So You Want to Be a Principal? Let’s Talk!
Baruti Kafele
2321 - The Instant Power of Extreme Writing: Create Eager and Fluent Writers Tomorrow
Diana Cruchley
2322 - Transforming Student Achievement Through Common Instructional Knowledge, Language, and Tools
Donyall Dickey
2323 - Transforming Student Understanding: Six Questions for Instructional Leaders
Steven Weber
Rosa Isiah
2324 - What It Looks Like When Students Own Effective Teaching
Candice McQueen
Pat Mapes
2325 - When Nothing Works: How to Find Success with Your Most Challenging Students
Grace Dearborn
Katie Anderson
2327 - With Equity and Rigor for All: Initiating Systems Change to Advance Inclusive Education (Part 2 of 3)
Megan Gross
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
BOOK SIGNING: Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey & Dominique Smith
Douglas Fisher
Nancy Frey
Dominique Smith
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
GS03 - Time to Come Out of the Box
Kimberly Bryant
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
AUTHOR TALK: Baruti Kafele & Vernita Mayfield
Vernita Mayfield
Baruti Kafele
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
TT121 - Turbo Talk: 7 Keys to Unlock Magical Learning
Tisha Richmond
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
KL04 - The Myth of Color Blindness: Developing a Color-Brave Mindset (Paid Event)
Rosa Isiah
LL201 - Lunch & Learn: Engaging the SEL Competencies to Create a Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Classroom (K-12)
Meg Honey
LL202 - Lunch & Learn: Using Reading Science to Ensure Reading Success: An Orton-Gillingham Approach for Every Student
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
AUTHOR TALK: Robyn Jackson & Alisa Simeral
Alisa Simeral
Robyn Jackson
BOOK SIGNING: Baruti Kafele & Vernita Mayfield
Vernita Mayfield
Baruti Kafele
12:20 PM - 12:35 PM
TT122 - Turbo Talk: Anatomy of a Great Virtual Language Learning Experience
Anita Young
TT222 - Turbo Talk: Let’s Get Essential: Forging a Path to Growth, Achievement, and Support for All Students
Brian Seguin
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
SS103 - Successful School Showcase
12:40 PM - 12:55 PM
TT223 - Turbo Talk: R2 Leading Up: Building the Capacity of All Educators to Lead from Where They Are
Tyler Abernathy
Erin Armstrong
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
AUTHOR TALK: John Larmer, Eric Hardie & Lindsay Portnoy
John Larmer
Eric Hardie
Lindsay Portnoy
BOOK SIGNING: Robyn Jackson & Alisa Simeral
Alisa Simeral
Robyn Jackson
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM
TT124 - Turbo Talk: Sentinels: Influencing Comprehensive Programs and Research-Based Practices for Diverse Students
Yvonne-Nicole de St. Croix
TT224 - Turbo Talk: Goodbye, Boring Open Houses: Hello, PBL Exhibitions
Jennifer Pieratt
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM
BOOK SIGNING: John Larmer, Eric Hardie & Lindsay Portnoy
John Larmer
Eric Hardie
Lindsay Portnoy
1:20 PM - 1:35 PM
TT225 - Turbo Talk: Meeting Learners Social Emotional Needs for Personal Success
Cynthia Arterbery
Lorie Squalls
1:40 PM - 1:55 PM
TT126 - Turbo Talk: Connecting Urban and Rural Educators: Professional Networks Between Teachers in Diverse Settings
Susan Rambo
Rachel Croft
TT226 - Turbo Talk: Making Student-Centered Discourse Work
Deanna Kuhn
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM
2408 - Be The One For Kids
Ryan Sheehy
2438 - Closing the Empathy Gap: We Need Empathetic Leaders, Now!
John Norlin
2451 - Humanizing Education for Equitable Transformation: A Framework for Improving Academic Outcomes for African American Students
2461 - Professional Development for Teachers: What Schools Value and How They Invest
2462 - Microsoft Hacking STEM: Modernizing and Democratizing STEM Education
Ankur Anand
2465 - A New Way to Approach Social & Emotional Learning
2401 - #BEGREAT with an Effective “College and Career” Academy Model
James Suggs
Tarol Clements
2402 - 4 Edtech Ways to Differentiate in a Student-Centered Classroom
Steven Anderson
Shaelynn Farnsworth
2404 - Adventures Ahead: Taking the Next Steps in Your Teacher Leadership Journey
Katherine Bassett
Rebecca Mielwocki
2406 - An Instructional Planning Approach to Increase Professional Learning Community Effectiveness and Student Achievement
Danielle Miller
Kelly Cunningham
2407 - Are You Preparing Your Future Leaders? Developing a Pathway to Leadership
Roy Garcia
Glenda Horner
Travis Fanning
Carla Brosnahan
Sheri McCaig
Christina Cole
2409 - Bending Time and Space: Making Room for Teachers to Be Learners
Allison Rodman
2410 - Beyond Effective: How to Take Great Teachers and Make Them Awesome
Starr Sackstein
Connie Hamilton
2411 - Blame the Messenger: Improving Communication Skills for Education Leaders
Erik Palmer
2415 - Co-Teaching Essentials for Every School Leader
Wendy Murawski
2417 - Cultivating Curiosity: Launching Personalized Inquiry in Middle and High School
Betsy Hall
Lauren Mehrbach
2418 - Deliberate Honor: Implementing Student-Run Honor Councils in Secondary Schools
Daniel R. Venables
2420 - Everyone Needs a Coach
Candice McQueen
Laura Roussel
2421 - Fake News Detectives: Teaching Students to Be Critical and Responsible Consumers of Information
Malissa Chavez-Thibault
Silvia Aparicio
2423 - How Language and Global Perspectives Help Us Understand Others and Connect Despite Differences
Tamera Musiowsky-Borneman
Craig Martin
Umair Qureshi
Jason Flom
Phil Echols
2427 - Leading from the Classroom: Teachers as Advocates and School Change Agents
Cynthia O'Brien
2429 - Making Your Core Values Nonnegotiable
Robyn Jackson
2431 - Meeting Milo, the Robot Revolutionizing ASD Learning
2432 - More Than My Title: Capturing Your Leadership Philosophy
Gretchen Oltman
Vicki Bautista
2433 - Neuroscience-Based Tools to Bust Emotional Blockades and Optimize Joyful Learning
Judy Willis
Malana Willis
2434 - One Rural School’s Journey to Shared Leadership
Karen Marklein
Emily Medlock
2435 - Organizing for a Democratic Classroom: Building Literacy and Climate
Ronald Klemp
2436 - Promoting STEM Mindsets to Create a School Culture of Learning and Achievement
Aaron Sams
2437 - Providing Access to Rigorous Learning Experiences Using Learning Centers
Dr. Marquisha Flowers
2443 - Success with Multicultural Newcomers and English Learners
Shawn Slakk
2444 - Teach Academic Vocabulary in a SNAP
Angela Peery
2447 - Think Like an Engineer: Unpacking the Engineering Design Process in K–8 Classrooms
Beverly Knox-Pipes, EdD
Sue Bedard, EdD
2448 - Too Many Skills and Strategies to Teach? Solving the Reading Curriculum Problem
Peter Dewitz
2449 - Using Video-Enhanced Observation and Feedback to Transform Instructional Habits and School Culture
Michael Fuga
Erin Lewis
Matthew Hickson
2450 - With Equity and Rigor for All: A Conversation with California Teachers of the Year (Part 3 of 3)
Megan Gross
Daniel Jocz
1:45 PM - 4:00 PM
2422 - Film Screening: We Can Build on This: Innovative Community Engagement
Justin Mickens
2:00 PM - 2:15 PM
TT127 - Turbo Talk: A Distributed Leadership Toolkit: Resources and Lessons from Teacher Leadership in New York City
Catherine Pratt
2:00 PM - 2:20 PM
LT05 - What Is It, How Does it Work, and Does It Make a Difference?
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Whole Child Network MeetUp
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM
TT228 - Turbo Talk: Starting a 3-Minute Observation Club: A Grassroots Approach to Teacher Leadership
Michelle Vanhala
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
BOOK SIGNING: George Couros
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
BOOK SIGNING: Judy Willis & Malana Willis
Malana Willis
Judy Willis
BOOK SIGNING: Katherine Bassett
Katherine Bassett
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
2548 - Using Student Voice to Assess the Impact of Adult Behavior
2551 - What ASCD Stands For and You Can Too
2565 - Three Ways to Move Students from Entitlement to Ownership
SS104 - Successful School Showcase
2503 - All the Things You’re Afraid to Say About Teaching
Tiffany Truitt
Zachary Haney
2504 - Applying the Lessons of Customer Journey Mapping to School Communication and Parent Engagement
Cameron Brenchley
2505 - Becoming a Fierce Leader of Race, Equity, and Diversity Dialogues
Heidi Oliver-O'Gilvie
2506 - Building Authentic Partnerships with Immigrant Fathers to Increase Student Self-Esteem and Achievement
Staci Ma
Lindsey Ma
2508 - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools’ Approach to Data Use for School Improvement
Danielle Miller
Kelly Cunningham
2509 - Creating LGBTQ-Inclusive Schools: Practical Evidence and Tools to Support All Students
Leigh E. Szucs, M.Ed, Ph.D., CHES
2511 - Curiosity-Driven Learning: Three Easy Moves for Increasing Student Engagement
Matthew Perini
Tom Dewing
Susan Kreisman
2512 - Education for Employment and Empowerment: Teacher Leadership in Action
Daniel Jocz
2514 - Equity and Excellence Right Now: The 90 90 90 Solution
Douglas Reeves
2515 - Equity, Head On: Initiating Conversations About Equity and Race
Gail Hudson
L. Juliana Urtubey
Karen Kanwhen
2516 - From Inspiration to Action: A 4-Step Model for Delivering Change in Schools
Chuck Holland
Brady Venables
Nichole Allmann
Janine Sears
2519 - Hiding in Plain Sight: Identifying the Factors That Contribute to Persistent Achievement Gaps
Ayodele Harrison
2520 - I Like to Move It, Move It: Formative Assessment Strategies to Get Your Students Up and Moving
Alex Bragg
2522 - Implementing "House" Systems in Schools to Support the Whole Child
Amie Reed
Alex Herrell
Laura Derstine
2524 - It’s Like Riding a Bike: How to Make Learning Last a Lifetime
David Schmittou
2525 - K–16 Convergence: A District–University Partnership That Benefits Teachers and Students
Laura Link
Lynn Simmers
Joshua St. John
2526 - Lessons from the Global Learning Alliance: Cultivating Cross-Cultural Collaborations
Roberta Lenger Kang
2528 - My Name Is Not B....! Relational Aggression Solutions with a Focus on Black and Latina Girls
Betty Maceo
2529 - Overcoming Worries and Fears: Supporting Children with Anxiety in the Classroom
Beverley Johns
2530 - PLC 2.0: Moving from Research to Practice and Observable Impact
Garth Larson
Cale Birk
2533 - Stop Grading Everything! Shifting Away from a Classroom Culture of “Earning”
Andrew Jones
2534 - Strategies to Support Students with Anxiety: The Dos and Don’ts
Christine Ravesi-Weinstein
2535 - Surefire Ways to Increase Teacher Resilience and Combat Teacher Burnout
Michele Hill
Danny Steele
2536 - Taking Teacher Leadership to the Next Level: 10 Tips for Effective Advocacy
Melody Arabo
2537 - Talking Isn’t Teaching: 10 Techniques for Creating More Engaging Lessons
Grace Dearborn
Katie Anderson
2538 - Teach to Lead: From an Initiative to a Movement
Aman Dhanda
Celeste Rodriguez
2539 - The Rhythm of Thinking: Promoting Equity and Access
Kati Pearson
2540 - The Vital Role of Movement in Social-Emotional Learning: How to Engage the Body and Bring Learning to Life
Shakun Shakun
Ariana Abadian Heifetz
2541 - The eCoaching Continuum in Action: Partnering for Better Teacher and Student Learning
Paula Crawford
Marcie Rock
Carla Melton
Laura Marsden
2545 - Why Do Some Schools Succeed When Other Similar Schools Don’t? Culture!
Kenneth Levy
Joan Levy
2546 - You Are More Than What You Teach
Dennis Griffin Jr.
2549 - Inside Educational Leadership: The Empowered Student
Anthony Rebora
Jill Harrison Berg
Mike Anderson
Nancy Frey
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
BOOK SIGNING: Allison Rodman
Shawn Slakk
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
GS04 - Technology and Storytelling: Making a Difference in the Digital Age
LeVar Burton
Monday, March 16
Session Title
8:15 AM - 9:15 AM
3103 - Achieving Equity through Innovation and Culture-Based Learning
Derek Minakami
Bella Finau-Faumuina
3117 - Educated By Design: Designing The Space To Cultivate Creative Capacity
Michael Cohen
3129 - Shifting from Student Compliance to Student Empowerment: Capitalizing on the UDL Principle of Engagement in Classrooms to Foster Empowerment
Courtneay Kelly
Sarah Tanner-Anderson
3133 - Taming the Tiger, Riding the Wave! Compassion in Action: Tools for Integrating SEL into Project Based Learning
3142 - Featured Session: Educating Immigrant Youth During a Period of Xenophobia, Hostility and Hysteria: What Educators Can Do to Create Safe Havens for Youth
3143 - Leadership in the Digital Age
3144 - Cultivating Equity and Engagement Through the Danielson Framework for Teaching
Brian Johnson
3101 - "But I Want to Be HIGHLY Effective!" Being the Best Teacher You Can Be
David Meoli
Kimberly Licato
Christopher Shields
3104 - Arts Integration in Schools: What, Why, and How
Jessica Pine
Hannah Pasquale
3105 - Be the Spark: Building Resilient Communities
Lara Kain
3108 - Change: Where to Start?
Wendy Farr
Malissa Chavez-Thibault
3109 - Coaching Secondary Students to Develop Personal Learning Strategies
Virginia Magnus
3111 - Coaching with Candor: Move Your Initiative Faster with Better Feedback for Teachers and Leaders
Thomas Vari
Joseph Jones
3113 - Conversation Techniques for Difficult Parents, Students, Teachers and Administrators
Beatrice Lewis
3114 - Cross-Linguistic Transfer of Foundational Skills: The Spanish-English Connection
Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes
3119 - Ensuring Rigor and Setting High Expectations for Diverse Learners Using Blended and Personalized Learning
Juliana Finegan
3122 - Fun Is Not the “F” Word! 25 Ways to Keep Students Engaged, Interested, and Having Fun
Kathy Ortiz-Herscher
3124 - Leaders of Learning: Discovering, Developing, and Distributing Leadership Skills
Byron Ernest
3128 - Scripps National Spelling Bee: Bring the Bee into Your Classroom
Molly Becker
Corrie Loeffler
Paige Kimble
3130 - Six Moves to Improve Student Learning by Enhancing Teacher Influence
Peter Monaghan
Shahe Bagdasarian
3131 - Supporting Reluctant Learners with Powerful Language During Instruction
Gary Hughes
3134 - The Path to Effective Social-Emotional Learning Begins with Building Educators’ Empathy
Lisa Westman
Adam Mihelbergel
3135 - The Principal’s Role in Creating, Delivering, and Monitoring Professional Learning
Marva Tutt
3136 - The Pyramid of Inquiry: Improving Student Learning Through Art
Nicola Giardina
3137 - The Transformation of Hemet High School: A Story of Hope and Inspiration
Robert Metz
Christi Barrett
Tracy Chambers
3138 - Time, Space, and Staffing: Shifting from Traditional Classrooms to Flexible Learning Environments
Lauren Mehrbach
Betsy Hall
3139 - Transforming Your School to Ensure Equity for All Learners
Sheila Eller
John Eller
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Lori Oczkus
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
3223 - Identify, Acknowledge, and Overcome
Shelly LeDoux
Katey Arrington
3226 - Math Anxiety: A Necessary Conversation
Cam Jennings
Monica Olsen
3201 - Adapting Proficiency Scales for ELLs and Students of Low SES: Creating Effective Professional Development
Sariah Bujanda
3203 - Checkpoints 101: The Hardest Easy Thing in Education
Sean Cain
Michael Laird
3204 - Choose Love: Empowering Students and Educators and Creating Safe and Positive Learning Environments
Scarlett Lewis
3205 - College and Career Readiness: A Schoolwide Initiative
John Pfeiffer Jr
3206 - Competency-Based School Transformation: Breaking Through Barriers to Serve All Students
Megan McWenie
3207 - Consuming and Creating Media Messages with Purpose
Amy Boone
3208 - Crumbling Foundations: How Poor Self-Care Unknowingly Erodes Leader Effectiveness
Joshua Ray
John Pijanowski
3209 - Designed to Learn: Solving Problems with Purpose and Passion
Lindsay Portnoy
3210 - Dismantling Toxic Gender Norms at the Heart of Social-Emotional Learning: Honoring Emotionality and Transforming Society
Sankalp Khanna
Ariana Abadian Heifetz
3213 - Engaging, Equipping, and Empowering Others: Leveraging the Psychology of Change
Dr. Hannah Gbenro
3215 - Flip the Script: How to Make Your Teachers Want the Principal in Their Classrooms
Kerry Decker
Maddie Ciliotta-Young
Elisaul Cruz
Whitney Fink
3217 - Generation Z: How to Build Grit and Resourcefulness in an Anxious Generation
Tim Elmore
3218 - Getting to Know Google Tools
Keasha Grant
3219 - Good Moves: Teaching Content with Intentionally Planned Movement
Linnea Lyding
3220 - How a Curriculum Cabinet Creates a Thriving School Culture of Trust and Transparency
John Brinker
Franco DiPasqua
Kimberly McCartan
Holly Quinn
3224 - Individualized Professional Development Plans
Johna Giordano
3225 - Innovation Across the Curve: Shifting Pedagogy in Every Classroom
Heather Dowd
3227 - Moving Beyond Advocacy to Marketing: Positioning Your Arts Program for Optimal Success
Nathan Street, Ed.D.
Leigh Ann Little
Maria-Elena Surprenant
3228 - Parents, Where Are You? Activating the Disengaged Parent
Marques Stewart
3229 - Power Planning: Build Daily Lessons That Support Student Ownership
Jane Kennedy
Lesley Fields
Robert Crowe
3232 - R Cubed: Real Learning, Relationships, and Resilience
Darbie Valenti
Courtney Cochran
3233 - Recognizing and Alleviating Math Anxiety in the K–8 Classroom
Brandy Hempen
3235 - Removing Barriers for Literacy Success
Kendra Carpenter
Hollyanna Bates
3236 - Restorative Teaching: Real-World Solutions for Disruptive Classroom Behavior
Cassie Tabrizi
3237 - STEM by Choice Spark Video Integration
Tammie Schrader
3238 - School Improvement Action Research: The Aspiring Leader’s Path to Service
Bess Scott
Karen Vontz
Bristol Wenzl
3239 - School- and Community-Based Approaches to Advancing Equity in Social-Emotional Learning
Jasmine Williams
Mylien Duong
Britney Wray
3240 - Social-Emotional Learning, Social Media, and Your Classroom
Jennifer Casa-Todd
Mandy Froehlich
3241 - Talent Management: Developing Strong Onboarding Coaching Plans to Increase Retention and Achievement
Julio César Contreras
3242 - Teacher Onboarding for Student-Centered Models: Innovative Strategies for Innovative Leaders
Juliana Finegan
Stephen Pham
3243 - The Evolution of a School: How to Raise Graduation Rates and Close the Achievement Gap
Duke Bradley, Ph.D.
Joy Treadwell, Ph.D.
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
AUTHOR TALK: Pedro Noguera & Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen
Pedro Noguera
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
BOOK SIGNING: Pedro Noguera & Eric Jensen
Eric Jensen
Pedro Noguera
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
GS05 - A Morning with Henry Winkler
Henry Winkler
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