Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Leading Through Change: Critical Insights on Educational Leadership Today
Change management has always been a central part of educational leaders’ work, but it has never been more critical—or more complex—than it is today, as schools work to recover from a global pandemic, adapt to shifting social dynamics, and integrate myriad technological advancements. In this special panel discussion, a select group of experienced school leaders and leadership experts will share their experiences and insights on the challenges of and opportunities for leading through change in K-12 education today. Key topics for discussion will include change-management skillsets and skill development; prioritizing and sustaining organizational change; cultivating staff efficacy and morale; and navigating difficult decisions and interactions. Participants will also share practical solutions and advice on instructional change and ed-tech integration. This dynamic and lively discussion is designed to create a sense of professional community and will include ample opportunities for audience participation and reflection. Attendees will leave with new ideas and strategies for leading change in their own schools or districts—as well as inspiration and professional contacts for the journey.
Speaker(s): Anthony Rebora Avis Williams, ASCD Author Jen Schwanke, ASCD Author PJ Caposey, ASCD Author Daman Harris
Panel Discussion
Location: 302 |
Location: 302 |
2023040110:4511:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Disrupting Societal and Historical Inequities through Inclusive and Anti-Racist Teaching
Schools are a reflection of our society and District 97 believes that education is the most valuable tool to dismantle racism and create a more equitable society. In the wake of social justice and anti-racism demonstrations in 2020, District 97 developed an Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum grounded in the Learning for Justice Social Justice Standards. Through age-appropriate materials and lessons, this curriculum seeks to reduce bias; support understanding and appreciation of culture, class, language, ethnicity, and other differences that contribute to the uniqueness of each student and staff member; and provide opportunities for critical analysis of racism in the United States and around the world. This interactive session will allow participants to learn how District 97 worked diligently and thoughtfully to lay the foundation for anti-racist teaching and learning, explore the Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum designed for grades K–8, and receive practical strategies for implementing this work at school.
Speaker(s): Eboney Lofton Tawanda Lawrence Patrick Robinson
Innovator Talks
Location: 302 |
Location: 302 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Life’s Too Short for Bad PD: Elevate Teacher Learning with ISTE
The pandemic catapulted teachers and learners into an unprecedented change of instruction with an increase in the use of edtech. To support educators in this shift, educators should not only receive guidance on operating various tools, but also on how technology can support pedagogical and content goals. In this session, participants will hear how ISTE has partnered with school districts across the country to provide staff with professional learning opportunities to help elevate their new “pandemic skills” and what the outcomes were. Participants will also get a hands-on opportunity to explore ISTE’s Standards and PD opportunities. Speaker(s): Liz Lee Daisy Sam Carmalita Seitz
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: 302 |
Location: 302 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Reimagining School: A Student-Led Initiative for Change
In her article The Pandemic is a Portal, Arundhati Roy says, "Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew." The experiences related to Covid-19 and remote learning highlighted the fact that education's factory model is no longer meeting learners' needs and that it must change radically if students are to be successful in the 21st century. However, change is hard; especially when teachers feel tired and overwhelmed. For this reason, The Community for Learning decided that, in order to motivate teachers and learners, change should be a student-led initiative. Students were empowered when they were given the opportunity to lead in transforming the school. In spite of the educational systems that are in place, they discovered that grassroots change is a possibility and they have the power to revolutionize education.
Speaker(s): Carla Meyrink Ylonka Rodriguez Shiselle Lopez
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 302 |
Location: 302 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Sexting, Texting, and Selfies, Oh My! Social Media’s Impact on Girls
Without a doubt, the element of girls’ lives that has changed most markedly in the past 10 years has been the proliferation of social media. In the past several years, we have seen the profound ways in which social media can influence the political climate, galvanize social movements, and provide a "new normal" for news, relationships, and communication. We have also observed the ways in which individual social media use has a deleterious impact on girls, their relationships, their mental health, and their perceptions of themselves and their abilities—both online and IRL (in real life)! Learn how social media is changing the social, interpersonal, and developmental landscape for girls and acquire strategies for helping girls safely, effectively, and healthfully navigate this tumultuous terrain.
Speaker(s): Lisa Hinkelman
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 302 |
Location: 302 |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 69AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Building State and Local Capacity for Meeting the Needs of the Whole Child
State and local partners from Ohio will share strategies for implementing a whole-child approach to education. Panelists will share experiences in establishing Ohio's Whole Child Framework and Ohio's Whole Child Network, fostering a community of practice and leveraging partnerships and resources to increase capacity for meeting the needs of the whole child. Speaker(s): Hilary Stoll Joseph Spiccia Matthew Bowen
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Elevating Math Teacher Expectations
Are more students failing math than you’d like? Learn the research-supported importance of high teacher expectations specifically as it relates to ensuring inclusive and equitable 6–12 math instruction. In this session, participants will hear what’s really working in schools, grasp the importance of access to grade level content, and understand exactly what to do and not do as you support your teachers in elevating expectations.
Speaker(s): Juliana Tapper
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Emerging Teacher Leader Program: Pathway to Leadership in NYC
This session explores how to create development experiences for future teacher leaders through competency-based micro-credentials. Teacher leaders play a vital role in building instructional capacity in their schools and fostering conditions for effective learning for both adults and students. How then can a district prepare, elevate, and celebrate teachers who take on these teacher leadership roles? This session explores how the New York City Department of Education’s Emerging Teacher Leader Program (ETLP) builds candidates’ capacity to enter teacher leader roles through micro-credentialing in five core competencies, designed to develop core skills and mindsets needed to be an effective teacher leader. Applying a leadership development framework, presenters draw on four years of data on New York City schools to provide participants with a professional learning model for teacher leadership preparation that is developmental, inclusive, and equitable. This research considers rates of qualification, selection, and retention, as well as school leader and teacher leader perspectives. It also emphasizes the roles of professional learning communities and the district context within the leadership development framework. Participants will consider policy and program implications of these findings, including program design and the expanded use of micro-credentials in teacher leadership for their own districts and programs.
Speaker(s): Michael Murphy Abraham Ovalles Melissa Murphy
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Engaging Students in the Design of Deeper Learning & Actionable Assessment
We've learned from cognitive science that full engagement begins with personal engagement, then moves to cognitive and behavioral. So, how do we maximize student engagement? Students must be invited into the design of learning and assessment tasks while developing their self-assessment skills. The terms metacognition and self-reflection are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Metacognition happens “in the moment” during learning. Reflection is the act of looking back on past learning, determining the meaning of what was learned, building (or not building) confidence as a learner, and carrying that mindset forward. Metacognitive skills are helpful for staying focused and monitoring progress during learning. Self-reflection helps learners to identify their strengths and challenges and to set and evaluate achievement of personal goals for learning. Developing these skills is integral to becoming a self-directed learner who can propel and personalize learning both in and out of school. Using peer and self-assessment examples in different content areas, presenters will define characteristics of “actionable assessments” and then use guided practice with an Actionable Assessment Cycle to plan lessons or units of study that have the potential to deepen learning for each student.
Speaker(s): Karin Hess
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Growing and Sustaining Equity-Centered Leaders in the School District of Philadelphia
How does a district system as large as the School District of Philadelphia, which employs nearly 500 principals and assistant principals, provide an infrastructure that differentially supports all school leaders in growing and sustaining their knowledge, skills, and mindsets associated with equity-centered leadership? This session will describe the successes, tensions, and lessons learned while implementing the third year of this work. The session will be organized into three parts: (1) the structure associated with the systemic approach of requiring all school leaders to engage in a racial equity PD pathway of their choice; (2) the content-driven PD pathways that focus on critical self-reflection, school level inequities, and system level inequities; and (3) the PD pathways designed as leader-driven "think tanks" that focus on leaders' racial and gender identities. Speaker(s): Michael Farrell Brandon Cummings Michelle Hayes Christine Borelli
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Putting Your Signature on Leadership: Cultivating Creativity and Cognition as a Leader
Attendees in this session will explore six leadership principles for cultivating creativity and cognition. Grounded in the Signature Thinking Framework, each of the elements will be identified, explained, and considered from a leadership perspective for how schools can cultivate environments and practices that encourage students, staff, faculty, and leaders to consider possibilities, take calculated risks, and grow as more effective learners. The basic framework involves the fusion of five elements:
• consistent opportunities to tinker and prototype ideas • a healthy acknowledgment of the role that essential knowledge plays in productive creativity • a mindset that considers what if and maybe • an environment that is risk-ready • integration of projects For each of these five elements, attendees will leave with a set of specific, tried-and-tested strategies for implementing them in school buildings to promote deeper and more enduring learning. The Signature Thinking Framework is born out of extensive research in diverse fields, including cognitive science, creativity, and school cultures. It has further been vetted through interaction with practicing educators and testing the idea through iterative phases ultimately leading to a model that is deeply grounded in research and one that has been tested out in practice leading to a refined and user-friendly tool to build principled learning environments. The presenters have designed this Signature Thinking Framework over the course of half a decade and delivered countless professional development sessions to practicing K–12 educators and leaders receiving very high feedback and follow-up for more. Speaker(s): Kevin Krahenbuhl Lando Carter
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
The Greatest Under-Resourced Asset: Literacy-Rich School & Classroom Libraries
Two components are essential in creating a literacy-rich school-wide culture: the first, well-stocked classroom libraries, and the second, school libraries staffed by certified librarians. Unfortunately, over 2.5 million children enrolled in districts nationwide do not have access to these resources full-time. Pulling from two recent research reports authored by First Book and the International Literacy Association, this panel will discuss library access and how it impacts literacy equity. The panel will walk through the Literacy Rich Classroom Library Checklist, created to guide the development and evaluation of classroom libraries, to provide tangible takeaways for school leaders on how to build a literacy-rich culture. It will also explore the role of librarians as literacy collaborators, providers of access, and advocates for literacy equity. Attendees will leave this session with a clearer sense of how to build classroom libraries, how to advocate for school libraries, and how to prioritize library resources to promote literacy equity.
Speaker(s): Molly Ness Susan Neuman Julianne Appleton
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4B |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 80AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Measured, Intentional, Human - Leading through Turbulent Times Post Pandemic
Leaders lead in times of crisis, peace, famine, and feast. Districts around the country are challenged with problems of practice that are no doubt impacting student growth, student achievement, and adult well-being. In these trying times leaders are called to be courageous, innovative, intentional, measured, transparent, and vulnerable. In addition, leaders are called to inspire and develop other leaders. Brené Brown defines a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential. "What stands in the way becomes way." Crisis and turbulence rarely give us enough notice, but we know, if you actively prepare, you're better prepared. What attributes and talents are necessary to lead through turbulent times? This session will unpack and explore these attributes.
Speaker(s): Heidi O'Gilvie
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040214:4515:45 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Changing the Narrative: Engaging Fathers in Their Children’s Schools
Schools are in crisis. There is a teacher shortage across the county. Academic achievement is at an all time low and post-COVID student misbehavior is at an all time high. Schools are reaching out for help wherever they can get it. Enter fathers! For years, K–12 schools have been dominated by females: female teachers and mothers. Now that behavior is out of control, schools are issuing an SOS for fathers to help. Participants will learn immediate strategies to engage and retain the help of fathers in schools, which is beneficial to students, staff, and the school community. According to Dr. Chacko Abraham , "If schools do not engage fathers, it is a GREAT loss. If they do engage fathers, the benefits are INVALUABLE and GENERATIONAL!"
Speaker(s): Deborah Higdon Chacko Abraham
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Creating a Strong "Game Plan" for Teaching Basic Facts
Every child must have automaticity with basic facts, but traditional drill and memorizing just doesn't work for many students. A better game plan builds on students' strengths, using interesting stories and strategic visuals to support student number sense and then games to provide meaningful and enjoyable practice. In this session, participants will explore how to ensure the games are connected to strategies and how to ultimately create a game plan through which every student learns their facts, learns reasoning strategies, and feels confident about themselves as a learner of mathematics. Speaker(s): Jennifer Bay-Williams, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040113:0014:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 78AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Aloha! Supporting Teachers for Success in Hawaii
The spirit of aloha is alive and well at Kahului Elementary School! The teachers are thriving and their students are achieving higher levels of academic proficiency than they were prior to the pandemic. How? Two years ago they took everything they knew about best practices in the classroom—like building positive relationships and differentiating instruction and support—and applied it to teachers. Regular check-ins through classroom visits, providing specific and timely feedback, and targeting support made all the difference: what they call their Classroom Visit > Feedback > Support cycle. This session is perfect for the administrator who is tired of doing classroom walkthroughs using checklists and look-fors that have minimal impact on instruction and achievement and want to truly connect with teachers and support their growth and learning. When teachers succeed, students succeed. In this session, come learn how to lead with aloha! Speaker(s): Sue Forbes Stacey Hankinson
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Serving the Whole Child
Discover how a group of teachers and leaders transformed their student learning environment to best serve the whole child through a personalized learning approach that nurtured the academic and emotional growth of students—the Charger Success Initiative. Through a series of lessons on social and emotional learning, leadership skills, and life skills, school leaders developed student leaders prepared to thrive in an ever-changing society. Students were challenged academically through remediation and learning enrichment efforts that provided them additional learning support outside of the everyday learning environment. As a result of implementing the Charger Success Initiative, every student became equipped with the tools and resources needed to experience wins inside and outside of the school setting. Students demonstrated an increased awareness of scholarship, leadership, and service, and the school saw an increase in student engagement and academic success.
Speaker(s): Chendra Dupree
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
The Equity Project: Developing and Elevating Student Voice and Agency
Want to hear how the New York City Department of Education District 31 is developing and elevating student voice and agency to impact school culture, climate, and the instructional core? Instilling equity within their school landscape is cultivated through an innovative approach to developing, modeling, and empowering the use of student voice, choice, and agency, and in giving students the tools to effectively communicate in all aspects of life. Listening, learning, and engaging with district leaders and elementary and high school principals, attendees will walk away with strategies on incorporating the granular steps to developing, elevating, and activating the skills necessary for cultivating student voice and choice in school-based decision-making. Participants will learn innovative methodologies around collective efficacy on including students in inquiry teams and the generative collaborative process of leading a school to guide shifts in school culture, climate, and instruction (with an emphasis on project-based learning and restorative practices around assessment).
"Through principal inquiry groups, presenters will share innovative qualitative and quantitative data from student voice research that impacted how teachers are evaluated, conversations about social justice, and youth well-being. The methodologies and conceptual tools help school leaders make meaning on how to strengthen their school’s instructional core, evaluate the impact of school-level processes while providing contextual evidence to effectuate positive change." Speaker(s): Mark Erlenwein Donna Bonanno Marion Wilson Christine Chavez
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1D |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Sponsored Session - Leadership in the Era of Pandemic: Leaning into Best Practices
How do we lead in times of upheaval and recover from the impacts of disrupted social and educational experiences? The same way we always do—by leaning into research, best practices, and our collective expertise. In times like these, it's our leadership that matters most, and critical questions, such as the following, can drive our efforts:
Session sponsored by: Istation Speaker(s): Brooke Mabry
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040114:4515:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Sponsored Session - Science of Reading: Leading Teams Through Transformation
Boost your knowledge around the Science of Reading, hear from Associate Vice President, Professional Development, Kamilah Simpson, as she discusses practices to support leading teams through the transformation.
Session sponsored by: Amplify Speaker(s): Kamilah Simpson
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040210:4511:45 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Sponsored Session-Back to the Basics: Effective RTI Intervention for Effective Dyslexia Remediation
Response to Intervention (RTI/MTSS) is a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement. It is proven to be the best way to systematically respond when students don't learn. It is a framework for teaching and learning. RTI is used by schools to determine whether a struggling student has language-learning disabilities or simply requires appropriate instruction to read at grade level.
In this session learn how to implement a multisensory reading intervention approach in your schools to give every student the opportunity to meet high expectations and the support to reach them. Discover how to succeed through a partnership between all teachers, interventionists, and school para-professionals while using the right programs to provide individualized intervention to all of your students. This breakout session will focus on how to give dyslexic children the skills and confidence they need to achieve their reading goals. The presenter will review current research on struggling and dyslexic readers and demonstrate effective multisensory teaching techniques for this group of learners. Session sponsored by: School Specialty Speaker(s): Julie Ross
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040110:4511:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Sponsored Session - Get Lit: Turning Up the Heat on Literacy Instruction
Are current literacy instruction methods failing our students? Some experts argue today's students are missing the general knowledge to fuel reading comprehension and critical thinking. Learn how to improve knowledge-building and infuse literacy skills into every classroom. Discover current, credible content that supports learning with standards and curriculum aligned material that can be used across grade level and content areas.
Session sonsored by: Gale Cengage Speaker(s): Autumn Nabors Lynn Gershman
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040113:0014:00 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Sponsored Session-Promoting Equitable & Accessible Holocaust Instruction Across Curriculum
Across the nation, educators must address diverse learning needs of students and the requirements of content and skills-based standards, all while facing increasing pressures about what they should and should not teach. In this context, understanding how to skillfully and capably integrate the Holocaust into one's curriculum is of paramount importance.
Too often, teachers approach student learning about the Holocaust as a separate instructional space, divorced from the dominant themes in their curriculum. When a study of the Holocaust is well-integrated into the curriculum, it provides a space for students to ask meaningful questions about relevant issues like propaganda, racism, immigration, refugees, and genocide. In this session museum educators and curriculum leaders will offer practical strategies to engage all students in relevant examinations of the Holocaust to promote critical thinking through inquiry and analysis of primary sources. Learn how the US Holocaust Memorial Museum is working with curriculum supervisors and educators across content areas and disciplines to utilize accurate, nonpartisan and free instructional resources to capably integrate teaching about the Holocaust into classroom practice. Session sponsored by: US Holocaust Memorial Museum Speaker(s): David Klevan Kelly Schultz Matthew Wynne
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040213:0014:00 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Sponsored Session: Improving Math & Reading Outcomes through Digital Instruction Best Practices
In this presentation, we will delve into the results of a case study that examined the impact of DreamBox Learning on student growth. The study analyzed end-of-year math achievement scores for students with high DreamBox Math usage (about one hour a week) versus those with low program usage.
We will explore the findings of the study, which reveal that students who completed more lessons and spent more time in DreamBox Math had higher math achievement at the end of the study. We will discuss specific strategies, pedagogical practices, and digital program features that can contribute to these positive learning outcomes. Speaker(s): David Woods Eileen Cannon
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 304 |
Location: 304 |
2023040214:4515:45 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
An Inside Look at Teaching: A Fireside Chat with Colorado Teachers of the Year
Join the 2022 and 2023 Colorado Teachers of the Year for a lively and informal discussion of a range of education topics related to the teaching profession. Hear their stories and perspectives on teacher leadership, teacher well-being, and other aspects of teaching today with thoughts on how to face the challenges of teaching with hope and optimism. This is an interactive session with opportunities for you to ask questions and share your thoughts about these and other topics of interest. Relax around the (virtual) fireside with us, sharing ideas and stories that entertain, enlighten, and inspire.
Speaker(s): Ceri Dean Autumn Rivera Jimmy Day
Professional Learning/Growth
Panel Discussion
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040114:4515:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
A School-Based Approach to Improving Staff Well-Being & Retention
Educator burnout doesn't have to be inevitable. In this session, participants will hear from leaders in Brevard Public Schools who have strategically embedded personal development strategies into their existing professional development structures to better support teachers in high-priority school sites. Participants will learn how presenters identified which schools needed the most support with retention, how they ensured their efforts were not "one more thing," and how, ultimately, this led to significant improvements in staffing. 95% of new staff who participated remained at their school. Presenters will also share elements of the personal development programming provided to teachers, including the five most common pitfalls leading to teacher burnout and two strategies empirically proven to increase well-being. See why 84% of participants reported that the program made teaching feel more sustainable.
Speaker(s): Lisa Stanley Tyler Hester
Professional Learning/Growth
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Connecting Students to Success: Creating Positive Post-Secondary Outcomes for All Students
Cumberland Regional High School works to create connections to empower every student to be successful and fulfill their dreams, creating several college and career-oriented programs that allow high school students to explore their passions and achieve their goals.
In this session, attendees will learn actionable steps that can be implemented in their own district to help ALL of their students fulfill their dreams. It is the perfect session for any administrator, counselor, or teacher who wants to begin connecting their high school students to success after graduation. The presenters will share their methods and processes to identify student goals, connect with post-secondary academic institutions, examine community business needs, and support students on their journey. Join us and start connecting students to success in your school! Presenters will share how they begin their recruitment for career and college pathway programs in middle school, develop essential skills for success while the students are in high school, provide systems of support for the students in their care, and then assist students as they begin their post-secondary journey. Students can earn industry-valued credentials within seven NJDOE-approved Career and Technical Education Pathways, earn an Associate Degree from their local community college by completing an Early College High School Program, or earn Skilled Trades Credential and enroll in an apprenticeship after successfully completing HVAC or Electrical courses. Regardless of the program students will receive social, emotional, and academic support from an in-house network of counselors, teachers, advisors, and administrators. Speaker(s): Justin Martin Valerie Sheppard
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
How to Help All Teachers Become "Like" the Best Teachers
Every school has teachers that are incredible educators. They are able to reach all students, have a positive attitude, and impact the entire school community. Yet, schools also have staff members who have not yet reached this standard. What is different about these staff members who are in the same school with similar students and resources? Is it possible for others in the same school to reach this level of success? In this session, participants will learn how to enable each teacher in their school to emulate the best teachers in their buildings. The no-cost approaches can be immediately implemented in all educational settings. Regardless of position, participants will leave this session knowing how to increase the effectiveness of all staff members and understand how to immediately implement each of these practices into their schools. Speaker(s): Todd Whitaker, ASCD Author
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Is Success for EVERY Student Really Possible?
As educators, we all say that we want success for 100% of our students, but if we're being honest, we don't always believe that success is really possible. With growing SEL challenges, teacher shortages, wide-ranging student academic needs, and competing district demands, we do the best we can for students. Yet, sadly, we rarely see success for every student. Is 100% success really possible? In this highly interactive session, discover how 100% success is possible and learn the exact framework to use to make 100% success a reality in your school no matter who your students are, what challenges they face, or what staff you have. First, we'll challenge the myths that prevent us from pursuing success for 100% of our students. Next, we'll walk through the 100% Framework (this isn't about tricks and strategies but an entirely new approach to student success). Finally, you'll have the chance to participate in "hot seats" and get personalized coaching to help define what 100% success can look like in your school. Plus, you'll hear real stories of principals who are making 100% happen in their schools. Stop settling for incremental gains while some percentage of students continue to fail every single year. Find out how to help EVERY student succeed in school.
Speaker(s): Robyn Jackson, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
The Science of Making Learning Stick
Research shows students forget as much as 90 percent of what they learn within 30 days. Why? Because the way classrooms are set up for learning is often directly opposed to how students' brains work, leading to fast learning and fast forgetting. Drawing from compelling insights in Learning that Sticks and The New Classroom Instruction that Works as well as brain science and scientific research in classrooms with diverse learners, attendees will learn strategies regarding
Speaker(s): Bryan Goodwin, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
The Science of Sparking Student Interest, Motivation, and Engagement
Learn from brain-based research and studies in classrooms with diverse learners how to unleash your students' natural senses of wonder, curiosity, and joy of learning. Specifically, participants will discuss and learn:
Speaker(s): Bryan Goodwin, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 205 |
Location: 205 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 67AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Engineering System-Level Equity
In this session, presenters will address generating, supporting, and sustaining adult action that creates access for all Black children. As we settle into a world with COVID, many educators and leaders are yearning to go back to “normal.” However, gaps in student achievement predictive by race prove that “normal” didn’t work for many students, especially Black students, for whom pre-pandemic “normal” was often inequitable. . This session is all about designing innovative systems that challenge the status quo and replace the disillusionment baked into expectations for Black students with a concrete path to generating, supporting, and sustaining actions that create access for Black children. In this session, equity-driven system leaders will learn how to disrupt disillusionment with a vision setting process that closes opportunity gaps as well as challenges the normalized status quo by transforming old systems into professional development structures. These structures will support the new vision and build the coaching capacity of instructional leaders while holding them accountable. Additionally, participants will learn to address real and imagined barriers to grade level content for all Black children while also gaining clarity on how to cultivate system-wide shifts in instructional practices, regardless of fixed mindsets or experience levels.
Speaker(s): Sable Mensah
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 62AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Fun in School: Brain Science and Student Engagement
How do educators get students to like school? The answer is simple: the educators must like school too. So, how do we create an environment in which everyone can have fun? Educators must design lessons, activities, and events that challenge students, but also make them smile. When students feel happy, safe, engaged, and want to take part in lessons and activities, their brains are ready for learning and they find more success. Simultaneously, educators are more engaged in school as well. This session will provide information about the brain science behind the importance of having fun in school, give strategies for boosting student engagement through exciting learning opportunities, and allow time for participants to develop a lesson or activity to immediately implement in their school or classroom.
Speaker(s): Melissa Moultroup
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Leading Change in DEI: Engaging and Empowering Stakeholders through Strategic Planning
The creation of a strategic plan can ensure decision-making at all levels reflects a deep commitment to equity, diversity, and belonging. Programs supporting inclusion rather than exclusion, stakeholders’ visibility in terms of resources and opportunities, and increased access to rigorous learning experiences are examples of steps that participants will hear about that one district took to operationalize their equity goal and create a sustainable strategic plan with long term impact for students, families, and staff.
Speaker(s): Susan Totaro Barbara Gould Jessica Cincotta
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Recruiting, Hiring, and Maintaining a Diverse Staff
In 1998, the Secretary of Education, Richard Riley, stated, "Our teachers should look like America," yet in 2022, this aim still remains an aspiration rather than a reality. School districts and education systems across the country have seen an increase in student diversity, yet efforts to hire and retain diverse professional school staff have not kept pace with these demographic changes. During the last two years, Covid-19, as well as other social/cultural factors often referred to as the twin or double pandemic (Starks, 2021), have led to growing concerns in the training (Goe, L & Roth A, 2019), recruitment, and retention of educators of color (Carver-Thomas, 2018; Carver-Thomas, D., Leung, M., & Burns, D., 2021). Much of the research relies on the perspectives and assertions of those in upper-level leadership positions, like teacher education programs and school district leaders, as the primary knowledge holders in the work to diversify the educator workforce. This presentation will discuss four research-based approaches for educators to use in their work to diversify their staff at every level.
1. Ensure that diversity efforts are both a top-down and bottom-up endeavor. 2. Be willing to support and defend staff members from underrepresented communities. 3. Consider ways to create a better work/life balance and increase compensation for everyday workers within education. 4. Address toxic culture and/or divisiveness among educator staff. We live in a time of unprecedented change and growth in every facet of human life. We know that representation matters—we can’t become what we don’t see. In order to build a society and an education system that eradicates the inequities of the past, those who have been negatively impacted by the system need to gain access to working within the institution. Only then can they help to shape and change it into a system better informed and equipped to educate all students to high levels. Speaker(s): Valerie Nyberg
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040113:0014:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Skills for Success: Developing, Assessing, & Reporting Essential Life Skills for All Learners
How can we provide learners with the knowledge and life skills they most need to succeed in our rapidly changing world? How can we empower teachers to integrate, assess, document, and report on students’ progress in developing these essential skills in authentic contexts? This presentation describes a program developed at HighScope Indonesia, a K–12 comprehensive school, to help students develop Essential Life Skills. Based on a holistic approach to learning, this program includes a continuum of developmental rubrics for each stage of life-skill development from preschool through high school graduation. Each Essential Life Skill is described and presented with specific expectations for student performance and assessment procedures for documenting and reporting on students’ progress.
Speaker(s): Thomas Guskey, ASCD Author Antarina Amir, ASCD Author Heni Astuti Ratih Larasati Imran
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
The Art of Personalized Professional Learning (Say What?!)
In this engaging hands-on session, each participant will experience how to effectively implement personalized professional learning where all learners win—from central office to campus-level administration to instructional coaches to teachers. This will be modeled through best practices for blended learning and effective roll-out of district-wide initiatives. Each participant will receive a tool that provides a turnkey template to support the intentional design of student-centered learning models, purposeful technology usage, and the art of modeled best practices.
Speaker(s): Janel Madeley, Ed.D
Professional Learning/Growth
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2A |
2023040110:1511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:55 AM - 11:25 AM MDT
Cultivating and Elevating Curiosity and Wonder
Classrooms that are "abundantly charged" respond to the human desire to learn and grow. These classrooms are rich in curiosity and wonder to elevate student voice and extend student autonomy. Participants will learn about the difference between curiosity and wonder, and will leave with three easy-to-implement instructional strategies for students to critically think about content that is interesting, challenging, and relevant to their life. Speaker(s): Jill Lewis Grant Chandler, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040110:5511:25 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:05 PM - 2:35 PM MDT
How to Use Rapid Cycle Testing for Tackling Equity Problems
What equity problems do you face daily in your teaching or at the school level? In this session, participants will experience a new way to think about old problems using a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) inquiry cycle, commonly used in systems-change practices. Attendees will be walked through how to think about and move through an equity problem by (1) identifying a problem of practice; (2) gathering information about the problem; (3) deciding on strategies to mitigate the problem; and (4) experimenting with strategies. Participants will leave with an understanding and a commitment to using rapid cycle testing for tackling equity problems. Speaker(s): Kershini Naidu Brittney Davis
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040114:0514:35 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM MDT
Calling All Teacher Leaders!
Teachers do not need to be in administration to lead. Teachers lead from the classroom, in their school, district, community, and state. Colorado ASCD created teacher leadership micro-credentials to help teachers become recognized teacher leaders and to promote this as a viable career option. In this turbo talk, participants will review three teacher leadership micro-credentials series to understand how they support student learning and discuss the first steps in the foundational teacher leadership micro-credential. Attendees will leave with a new awareness of core values that drive teacher leadership. Speaker(s): Nancy White Anita Gandhi
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040210:1010:40 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:55 AM - 11:25 AM MDT
Critical Reflection for Culturally Responsive Teaching
What is critical reflection and why is it important as teachers work to adopt culturally responsive teaching practices? In this session, participants will explore these questions and hear examples of activities that help teachers engage in critical reflection. Participants will experience a critical reflection strategy and discuss an innovation configuration that helps teachers understand what critical reflection looks like in practice. Participants will leave with a set of strategies and activities for engaging teachers in critical reflection.
Speaker(s): Robin Wisniewski Ceri Dean
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040210:5511:25 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:20 PM - 1:50 PM MDT
3Kx3Q: A Vision for 3000 Students Captured in Three Questions
Do I belong here? Is this meaningful? Can I do this? As leaders of a dynamic and diverse 3,000-student public high school, some of the first questions we often receive are, "How do you communicate a vision across so many stakeholders?" And, "How do you align the work?" The three interdependent questions of Do I belong here, Is this meaningful, and Can I do this allow us to do just that. Students thrive when they are able to respond, "Yes!" to these three questions. We have also found that additional stakeholders, ranging from families to faculty, to staff to community members, are able to connect with these three questions because they capture what any person would want to experience or desire for a loved one to experience in our schools or work environments. This connectivity in belief and clarity of purpose has been invaluable, and an essential component of effective school leadership in our rapidly changing contexts. With this as our vision, the work of each educator in the school becomes to "influence the yes" (for students’ responses to these questions) and "be the reason" (each student responds "yes"). Each decision in our school, big or small, is assessed on its potential impact within these three questions. In this turbo talk, school leaders will experience a compressed version of how this vision is conveyed to all stakeholders. They will engage with strategies and resources for "influencing the yes" in their contexts, as well as templates to guide the creation or refinement of their own vision. One that is aspirational, inspirational, unifying, and actionable.
Speaker(s): Robb Virgin Victor Johnson Meg Bennett
New/Aspiring School Leader
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040113:2013:50 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:20 PM - 1:50 PM MDT
Math Intervention Meet-Up: What’s REALLY Elevating Our 6–12 Students?
Have questions about 6–12 math intervention resources or curriculum? Wondering what’s actually working for schools to close the math achievement gap? Conversely, maybe you’ve experienced huge success in closing math gaps at your site and want to share with colleagues looking for guidance. Attend and share your struggles, triumphs, questions, and ideas with other passionate leaders.
Speaker(s): Juliana Tapper
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040213:2013:50 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 78AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:10 AM - 10:40 AM MDT
Do This, Not That: Lessons Learned about Leading Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Integration
Change is hard, and in order to navigate it, we as leaders have to be at our best, focusing on key instructional questions and situations daily. In this interactive session, participants will explore scenarios guided by leadership theory that will allow them to make the best decisions for unique learners. From the perspective of two different leaders at various stages in their careers, participants will explore various scenarios experienced by curriculum leaders on a regular basis. The presenters will then discuss how they handled each situation in the past to ultimately improve student achievement.
Speaker(s): Bryan Drost Char Shryock
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040110:1010:40 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:05 PM - 2:35 PM MDT
Empowering ALL Girls to Change the World Through STEMM
This Turbo Talk will address the low number of girls in STEMM, and explore a gender-specific program that will encourage, inspire, and empower girls to have a great appreciation for STEMM and to possibly pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, math and/or medicine. Attendees will learn more about this program intended to actively engage girls with hands-on, how-to, inquiry based and critical thinking activities.
Speaker(s): Marcia Millet Twianie Roberts
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040214:0514:35 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM MDT
Enhancing School Connectedness through School Physical Activity Post Pandemic
The disruption of school operations and routines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic affected students’ physical and emotional well-being. Providing physical activity opportunities in schools can encourage students to connect and positively engage with each other, which improves relationships and promotes emotional well-being. During this session, participants will share the findings of a recent study examining the association between physical activity behaviors and levels of school connectedness. Specifically, being more physically active, attending physical education programs, and participating in team sports were all associated with higher levels of school connectedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters will discuss how school administrators and teachers can implement a framework called Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) to ensure that students have ample opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day. Strategies from CSPAP can also be used to keep students more connected to physical activity and trusted adults at school, in case of short-term pivots to remote learning. Participants will explore how these physical activity opportunities provide numerous benefits such as increased ability to focus, strengthened interpersonal skills, and improved relationships with peers and trusted adults. These skills can enhance students’ connection to school while also improving their health and educational outcomes during and following the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a win-win for schools, students, and their families. Speaker(s): Shannon Michael
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040114:5015:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:50 PM - 3:30 PM MDT
Families Have School-Induced Trauma: Helping Them Can Help Us All
Parents, families, and teachers need to be allies in educating students. A common misconception that teachers must face as they adopt culturally competent pedagogy is that parents and caregivers aren’t committed to their children’s academic success. Families may not articulate their desire for their child but the longing for academic success is there. Though teachers want parents and families to be allies, the status quo dynamics and interactions between teachers and families often reflect deficit thinking. This deficit thinking limits the potential for teacher-parent interactions because it causes teachers to see parents as opponents rather than allies. Communication with parents and families must be grounded in the mutual longing for student success, and include consistent communication about positive things their child is doing. The goal is to reinforce and strengthen positive behaviors, thoughts, and academic successes. During this sessions, strategies will be shared in increase family engagement.
Speaker(s): Carissa McCray
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040214:5015:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM MDT
Finding the Transformational Leader in Me 100 lb. Later
Years of central office deadlines, bake sales, state takeover threats, and disastrous personal relationships catapulted me into a wall of depression and doubt. When I decided to reclaim my joy and love for myself, my school community became award-winning, newsworthy, and the best in the city. In this session, participants will learn how a six foot three care bear and school leader led a self-care and wellness journey that inspired the masses. This session is for folks who are looking to reclaim the #magic they carried in leading their communities. Speaker(s): Craig Martin
Professional Learning/Growth
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040115:4516:15 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
3:45 PM - 4:15 PM MDT
Measuring Success: Using Learner Feedback on How Technology Impacts Learning
Are you considering a data-driven process to measure the impact of technology on teaching and learning from the students’ perspective? In this session, participants will analyze learner data points based on three areas of their experiences: Technology Skills and Confidence, Frequency of Technology Use and Actions, and Student Reflections.
Using the results of a student inventory, see how learners align with the ISTE Student Standards via measuring the percentage of capacity for each standard by level, grade, and school building. Next, interact with the reorganized data, viewing results in the three areas and nine subcategories by demographics, grade, level, and building. Identify the data points your organization would use to create systemic change and level up how integrating technology impacts your learners. Speaker(s): Mary Mehsikomer
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040215:4516:15 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM MDT
Resilience in Isolation: Learning from the Experiences of New Teachers During COVID-19
Qualitative research from a northern California public school will be shared to identify the experiences of new teachers during COVID-19. Themes of frustration and support will be examined and best practices will be identified for school leadership and mentors. Participants will be asked to reflect on how they specifically target new teacher support and develop plans for better supporting their novice teachers.
Speaker(s): Rebecka Maxkenzie
Professional Learning/Growth
Turbo Talks
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
Location: Turbo Talks Stage (Lobby F) |
2023040309:0009:30 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 95AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0E410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Unleash True Leadership Potential: A Holistic Approach to Supporting Leadership Teams
Supporting and supervising schools is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. Support should:
In this session, participants will learn how to apply a comprehensive leadership framework to effectively evaluate school performance and transform school leadership teams. Attendees will create a comprehensive school profile, examine how schools fail, and build a compelling vision for success. Immersed in an interactive session, participants will demonstrate how to best support leadership teams, reignite school leaders, improve overall leadership capacity, and reimagine accountability as an embedded aspect of school and leadership support. Speaker(s): Pilar Valdes Kenneth Green
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: 404 |
Location: 404 |
2023040114:5016:20 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
How to Authentically Integrate Technology into the Classroom
When thinking about bringing technology into the classroom, it is easy to jump first to the technology tools, such as applications and devices. But if instructional goals needed to set students on the path to success aren’t established first, how can the tool that is the right fit be determined? In this session, participants will explore the integration of technology into classrooms from a pedagogy-first perspective, learning how to authentically integrate it into instruction. Educators will learn actionable steps they can take to make the best decisions about what technology will be most effective in supporting the classroom in any setting, i.e., blended, flipped, online, or hybrid. Participants will identify learning goals and student outcomes, then review takeaways that can be incorporated into instruction right away and used with new or already-introduced technology. Speaker(s): Nathan Lang-Raad, ISTE Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 404 |
Location: 404 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
How to Talk So People Will Embrace Change
Are you proposing changes in your school or district? The words we use, as leaders, powerfully influence the way others think and respond. In this session, attendees will explore thought processes behind the words leaders use, as well as research-based strategies for influencing those who are led. Participants will leave with a plan for implementing their learnings for bringing about a change in their school or district. The session is based on Inviting Students to Learn: 100 Tips for Talking Effectively with Your Students (ASCD, 2010).
Speaker(s): Jenny Edwards, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: 404 |
Location: 404 |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
The Principal’s Role in the Instructional Process
Instructional leadership plays a significant role in facilitating, improving, and promoting students' academic progress. Principals and instructional coaches must recognize and assess their roles in the instructional process and be able to determine areas in need of improvement. This includes high expectations of students and teachers, and emphasis on high-leverage instruction, professional development, and collective teacher efficacy. In this highly engaging session, participants will examine the most contemporary research available on specific leadership behaviors that have the greatest influence on student achievement. This involves promoting and participating in teacher learning and developing and fostering effective instructional coaching.
Speaker(s): Steve Ventura, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 404 |
Location: 404 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
“Micro-Practices” to Elevate Your Induction Program
Sometimes the smallest techniques make the biggest impact. Join us to learn two micro-practices meant to meet inductees where they are and elevate any induction program using video: micro-learning and micro-teaching. Discover how to wrap short videos with context, application ideas, and reflection opportunities to provide inductees with new professional learning without overwhelming them. Then, find out how to use supportive micro-teaching in new teacher programs to improve inductee instruction through the dissection, annotation, and discussion of small bits of video as you coach, mentor, induct, and retain your new teachers for success.
Two lab activities will provide opportunities for authentic application and takeaways. The first will encourage participants to draft a fun and engaging micro-learning opportunity for inductees using video. The second will engage participants through the development of a plan for implementing and/or improving the practice of micro-teaching as a component of a supportive induction program. Come do something big for your inductees with supportive micro-practices! Speaker(s): Keely Keller
Professional Learning/Growth
Learning Lab
Location: 404 |
Location: 404 |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MDT
Pre-Conference Institute: Leading Adaptively for Quality Differentiation
***This is a full-day pre-conference session. Additional registration is required to attend this session.
While it is common for schools to include differentiation in school plans and vision statements, it is uncommon to find schools in which faculty work together over extended periods of time to develop, apply, and refine the skills of differentiation. Where effective, comprehensive, and coherent differentiation is central to a school's operation, the catalyst for that work is a leader—more aptly, a team of leaders—who understands and focuses on both the principles and practices of differentiation and the principles and practices of leadership for schoolwide change. Currently, successful and durable leadership is necessarily adaptive. That is, leaders understand the need to respond to changes both inside and outside the school in ways that empower those they lead to effectively respond to the needs of those in their care. This session will support leaders at all levels in schools and school organizations to continue to grow their confidence and competence in the foundational aims and practices of differentiation and the foundational aims and practices of adaptive leadership for effective schoolwide differentiation. Participants will:
Each participant will receive Leading for Differentiation: Growing Teachers Who Grow Kids. Speaker(s): Carol Ann Tomlinson, ASCD Author Kristina Doubet, ASCD AuthorLocation: 405 |
Location: 405 |
2023033109:0015:00 000 | FRI, MAR 31 | |||
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Close the Empathy Gap: Elevate Micro-School Outcomes by Including a Teacher Perspective
Far too often, teachers and administrators display a mutual distrust and disrespect for each other’s perspectives. As leaders become more removed from the classroom with each passing year, the result is an "empathy gap" between them and their instructional staff, getting in the way of school progress. Incorporating the teachers’ lens into specific areas of school leadership creates a closer connection to classroom pedagogy, resulting in a collaborative school environment that promotes student achievement. In essence, the detail-oriented, micro-elements of school leadership have the power to effect meaningful change just as much (or more) than some big-picture, macro counterparts. This session challenges participants to examine areas of school leadership that fall under the expertise of those who have the most immediate connection to the classroom: teachers. Participants will examine observation and evaluation practices, feedback protocols, and instructional coaching scenarios to determine where teacher voice can be inserted the most organically and productively to enhance school-improvement goals. Participants will work collaboratively to problem-solve common leadership pitfalls and learn strategies to increase levels of empathy, such as a brainstorming tool that uncovers parallel teacher vs. leader perspectives on the same issue. By the end of the session, everyone will identify one micro area of school leadership to which they will apply their learning and select a key strategy presented in the session to share with their school teams for follow-up and implementation. With this actionable and solutions-oriented approach, participants can work toward school leadership that is highly responsive to instructional advancement, student achievement, and a long-awaited closure of the empathy gap.
Speaker(s): Miriam Plotinsky
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: 405 |
Location: 405 |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Developing YOUR Emotional Intelligence to Support Students with Disabilities
This workshop is based on the framework discussed by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves in their novel, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, in which they discuss a concept known as the ripple effect. A ripple effect is when a display of emotions affects all those who witness it. When emotions are released and shared, teams must pay close attention to how they affect those immediately present as well as the wider impact. The ripple effect focuses on reflecting on personal behaviors and the ripples one intends to create. This workshop will help educators determine whether they want to be proactive in developing positive ripple effects both academically and emotionally or reactive in minimizing a negative and exclusive ripple effect for our neediest learners. Within an Individualized Education Plan, educators can hone in on the management needs in order to create positive ripples and an inclusive learning environment for not only SPED learners, but all learners. Overall, the workshop will promote a positive and inclusive environment for schools to consider.
Speaker(s): Davina Ruiz Melanny Santiago Tricia DeVito
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Learning Lab
Location: 405 |
Location: 405 |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 78AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Integrating SEL & Academics: A Roadmap for Teaching Perseverance in Your Curriculum
There is nothing more rewarding for us, as educators, than to see our students achieve success on complex, meaningful work. In this Learning Lab, participants collaborate to answer the following question: "How can I teach and assess the SEL skills of perseverance needed for student success in my classroom in ways that are manageable and logically connected to my academic curricular goals?" Participants will learn and practice specific strategies for teaching and assessing perseverance skills that can be applied to units, lessons, and daily routines. Finally, participants will get a chance to reflect upon how they might utilize these strategies in their own classroom contexts. Speaker(s): Maureen Chapman James Simons
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: 405 |
Location: 405 |
2023040114:5016:20 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 67AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Mi voz: A Writing Strategy to Inspire ELL students
No more sentence starters! In this session, participants will learn about and engage in writing response groups—a peer-feedback strategy designed to elevate the quality of students' writing. Through three rounds of writing response groups, participants will see the value in allowing ELL students more autonomy in their writing, thereby allowing them to find their authentic voices. Used as a strategy across the curriculum and through all grade levels, participants will leave this session ready to retire their red pens and turn feedback over to their students.
Speaker(s): Kaitlin Moran
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: 405 |
Location: 405 |
2023040113:0014:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
What Today’s Students Want and Need from School
What do students want and need in a rapidly changing, post-pandemic world? Today's world is fraught with challenges. From climate change to divisive politics, to the myriad of ways technology is infiltrating and changing our lives, humans are navigating an unprecedented amount of change. How do students perceive the world today and what do they need and want from school? In this panel, student voice is at the center of the conversation. Participants will learn what a diverse body of students want from school and hear their perceptions of the challenges and opportunities these changes present in their lives. Speaker(s): Jeremy Eddie Rashad Anderson Joshua Barringer Jaiden Patel Zaidah Locke Chevelle Early Kate Juardo Anisa Valdez
Panel Discussion
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040113:0014:00 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Teacher Attrition: Want to Keep Your Teachers? Listen to Them
When experienced teachers leave the profession, our children and society pay the price. Why are teachers leaving the profession and what can we do to retain them? In this panel, participants will hear directly from a diverse group of teachers about why they stay, why so many are leaving, and what we can do, as leaders, to attract new and retain our best educators. Participants will learn what leaders need to do to keep teachers, key issues that impact teachers wanting to stay or go, and why teachers choose to stay. Speaker(s): Jeremy Eddie Heather Keeton Cynthia Jacquet Rameesh Madourie Brian Jenkins Rico Gomez
Panel Discussion
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040114:4515:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MDT
Pre-Conference Institute: Seven Success Factors for Great Instructional Coaching
***This is a full-day pre-conference session. Additional registration is required to attend this session.
Many coaches and on-site professional developers are finding themselves in high-stakes, critically important roles in which they are expected to lead school-reform efforts with little or no professional preparation for successfully performing such tasks. Having worked with more than 100,000 coaches from around the world for over two decades, Instructional Coaching Group researchers have identified seven factors that must be in place in order for coaches to flourish. This workshop provides an overview of those seven factors, summarized in The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, along with many practical tools and tips that should be helpful for anyone interested in coaching. Each participant will receive The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching: Seven Factors for Success. Speaker(s): Jim Knight, ASCD AuthorLocation: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023033109:0015:00 000 | FRI, MAR 31 |
7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Educator Bandwidth, Burnout, and Blameless Discernment
What is bandwidth? It’s your brain’s "fuel tank." Individual habits and routines as well as workplace norms and policies affect how full it gets. Research on the bandwidth needed to bring your best self to your work and personal life began back in 2015, long before the COVID-19 pandemic heightened awareness of the societal trends that strip us of the energy we need. In this session, participants will learn about the six essential components of bandwidth that go far beyond self-care. Presenters will explore the concept of "blameless discernment" to rethink what needs to change in our learning communities. Participants will be introduced to versatile strategies that can be used to change maladaptive habits and routines, allowing the brain to work efficiently and effectively and fostering energy and self-efficacy.
Speaker(s): Ann Holm, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Inward: Intentionally and Thoughtfully Pulling Ourselves from the Brink of Burnout
This session will ask attendees to take a look inward in order to pull themselves from the brink of burnout. Education continues to evolve and change and the stress and pressure on educators will not soon dissipate. Educators’ best path forward is to find ways to reignite their own spark. This presentation will provide attendees with concrete strategies in order to do so, in addition to raising many questions of whether they are maximizing their one amazing opportunity in this life.
Speaker(s): PJ Caposey, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Planning for Joy
A feeling of happiness, delight; an emotion evoked by well-being or success, and a source or cause of delight (Merriam-Webster, 2022). These are some of the words and phrases used to describe JOY. Every teacher and every student in every classroom deserves to be joyful and engage in joyful learning. But how is that possible with the educational demands of today? This session seeks to elevate the need for joyful learning communities and experiences in school for all students. Engage in a critical examination of the process and purpose of planning, and understand how to strategically use them to cultivate joyful learning. Participants will take part in individual reflection, collaboration, discourse, and design during the session. They will explore resources and hear anecdotal evidence from experienced teachers about how they’ve centered joy in their classrooms, the difference it’s made, and why it is an essential practice for equitable learning.
Speaker(s): Mo Thomas Calago Hipps
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
How to Break the Cycle of Systemic Failure & Widespread Behavior Problems
For building and district leaders interested in improving the educational experience for their students, this session will inspire attendees with stories from former students about a comprehensive program they say changed the trajectory of their lives. Participants will hear about the science behind a cutting-edge teaching method called neuropacing that applies a sequence of evidence-based strategies throughout the lesson to address the learning and emotional needs of students, as well as the instructional purpose and learning goals of the teacher. Data that demonstrates effectiveness, including state testing results, GPAs, suspension rates, and testimonials from district leaders and core content teachers will be shared.
Additionally, the session will delve into the field of connectomics, a branch of modern neuroscience that examines the brain as a network of interconnected systems that drive cortical activity, and how this knowledge drives neuropacing. By combining the science of brain networks with the art of teaching, the neuropacing system of instruction has been shown to be highly effective at extending attention, reducing disruptions, and creating more enjoyable, diverse, and successful learning experiences for students of all ages and abilities. Learn about curriculum adjustments, behavior plans, tools for tracking behavior, and strategies for gaining parent support and collaborating with outside agencies that will lead you on the path to overcoming systemic failure and behavior problems in your schools. Speaker(s): Debbie Leonard Marcey Aronson
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 82AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Turning "Believe" into "Achieve"
This session will focus on a school district's journey to ensure the success of all students by utilizing research-based instructional strategies and high-quality instructional materials. Follow along as instructional leaders present how the foundation of their acceleration plan centered around text complexity for reading and the balance of conceptual and procedural understanding for math to strengthen classroom instruction. Participants will walk away with a better understanding of how these instructional strategies can be leveraged to support students and teachers.
Speaker(s): Arturo Villanueva Lillian Frazier Adriana Cantu Edmond Martinez
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 301 |
Location: 301 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 80AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Hurt People Hurt People: Elevating Acts of Repair Through Restorative Practices
'Hurt People Hurt People' supports educators to answer a key question for all school communities: when harm occurs, how do we make it right? Responding to harm is the most ubiquitous and confounding challenge in every school community. The pervasive way of addressing acts of harm is through punitive consequences, including exclusionary discipline. Yet we know punishment doesn't effectively correct misbehavior and disproportionately impacts students of color, students with special needs, and students who identify as LGBTQIA. Restorative Justice offers a values-based mindset and skillset to cultivate and maintain respectful relationships, keep students in school, and repair harm. Grounded in the principles of Restorative Justice, this session guides participants to investigate personal mindsets about addressing conflict and harm at school. Through lively discussion, experiential exercises, and small group exploration, this session lays the groundwork for cultivating a restorative school culture. Participants take away practices for school staff to implement on a daily basis. All activities and materials can be 'flipped' to support direct instruction for adults and students to promote a more restoratively attuned and resilient community.
Speaker(s): Sarah-Bess Dworin
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Improve Lesson Plans with SEL
By integrating SEL skills into daily interactions and lessons, educators relentlessly build student competencies, harness their attention to the deeper purposes of the lessons, and have a lasting impact on how students see themselves as members of their communities in and out of school, reminding all educators of why they wanted to work in schools with young people. In this session, participants will be presented with very specific strategies and activities that take current teachings —random and implicit prompts and praise to use SEL skills— and create an explicit and intentional curriculum within daily work.
Speaker(s): Jeffrey Benson, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Leading & Creating Change from Your Archetypal Genius
In this interactive workshop, participants will explore eight educator change archetypes*—the Diplomat, Guardian, Champion, Investigator, Storyteller, Sage, Creative, and Inventor—and spend time discussing their own change leadership profiles and practices. Participants will have opportunities to complete unique assessments and protocols tol help them explore how they best lead and create change, as well as how they can protect their own energy and create boundaries while doing so. Lastly, participants will have the opportunity to design a personal change story to own their expertise and start leading change based on who they are and how they best lead. *This content is based upon the presenter's book From Underestimated to Unstoppable: 8 Educator Archetypes for Driving Change in the Classroom and Beyond which is forthcoming in 2022 with ASCD. Speaker(s): Ashley Lamb-Sinclair, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040110:1511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
A Liberation Guide for Leaders of Color: Leading within Systems of Inequity
Through research of leaders of social movements, analyzing the experiences of K–12 equity officers, and personal experiences, the presenter of this session has developed 10 competencies that can be leaned on to be successful within white spaces and to dismantle those spaces to create a new system. The competencies are divided into three categories: individual, interpersonal, and institutional. They are distinct but interconnected. Leaders of color must recognize and take responsibility for navigating oppressions on these three levels. This workshop will unpack these competencies and give participants concrete strategies for implementing them into practice. Speaker(s): Mary Rice-Boothe
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
School Culture Rewired: How to Define, Assess, and Transform It
Sharing information from School Culture Rewired, the authors/presenters will guide discussions among participants relative to what is happening in their schools on how they might approach the challenging task of shaping a new school culture. They will discuss the various types of school cultures and address the toxic school culture as part of an effort to help attendees understand the differences between culture and climate, assess their current culture, start conversations, and build strategies toward a more positive and collaborative school culture. Participants will gain a better understanding of how they got the culture they have and how to get the culture they want.
Speaker(s): Steven Gruenert, ASCD Author Todd Whitaker, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040113:0014:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Using the Gradual Release of Responsibility to Allow Students Autonomy to Develop Voice and Agency
Twenty-first-century skills are at the heart of state standards but few classroom practices are effective at helping kids practice those skills. This interactive workshop will introduce and model strategies that support teachers in building their capacity to create quality curriculum plans with the Understanding by Design® framework (UbD™ framework) in mind. The presenter will model and provide resources, including planning template tools for acquisition (A) and meaning-making (M) to aid student learning. Participants can expect to leave with a taxonomy of strategies and practices to meet the new expectations of state standard requirements and develop personal and professional plans for student achievement.
Speaker(s): Donnell Gregory
Professional Learning/Growth
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Your Students, My Students, Our Students
Based on the book of the same name, this session will dive deeper into the roles of educators in providing inclusive support. In particular, participants in this session will consider the logistics of delivering intervention and support within small-group settings. The quandary of the question, "should we push in support or pull students out for support," will be given particular attention with specific guidance on how to coordinate universal design for learning with tiers of intervention in inclusive ways but maintain the integrity of evidence-based interventions.
Speaker(s): Lee Ann Jung, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 3A |
2023040114:5016:20 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 78AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Amplify Student Voices: Equitable Practices for Building Confidence in the Classroom
This session will introduce you to Expression-Driven Teaching, an inclusive facilitation method that shifts the conversation away from, "How can I get students to talk?" to "How can I create welcoming, brave spaces where every young person can express who they are and discover who they want to become?" Participants will learn practical and equitable techniques for how to teach and facilitate different forms of expression, such as storytelling, debate, poetry, presentation, self-advocacy, and listening, to create active, inclusive classrooms that advance equity and social and emotional learning. Listen to examples and stories about what this looks like as a daily classroom practice and how to plan with expression in mind. Finally, attendees will have time to explore tools to support planning and facilitation, reflecting on opportunities for students to be able to share their voices and believe their voice matters.
Speaker(s): AnnMarie Baines Diana Medina
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 80AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
How to Use ChatGPT: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Educators
Join Monica Burns as she explores the ways in which ChatGPT can revolutionize the way you work. When used strategically, this tool can accelerate your workflow, not substitute your role as an educator, as it helps to streamline your daily tasks and save time in the process. In this session, you will learn how to use ChatGPT, and what prompts and questions to try out, as you explore the power, potential, and possibilities of artificial intelligence for educator productivity.
Speaker(s): Monica Burns, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Solutions for Engaging All Students—and What Not To Do
Calling on someone should be the last thing you do. Traditional teaching practices often serve to inadvertently stifle student participation and engagement. In this presentation, the Himmeles will focus on how these techniques can have unintentional negative outcomes and will present participants with solutions that focus on formatively assessing students while they are engaged in meaningful learning practices. Participants will examine research on how to accelerate student learning and learn how to apply Total Participation Techniques and other formative assessment strategies, in literacy and content-area classrooms. Participants will walk away with practical applications and online tools that can be used as they are or tailored toward students' and schools' specific academic needs. Speaker(s): Persida Himmele, ASCD Author William Himmele, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
How to Respond to Politicizing Education
Fears about what is taught in public school in the last few years have focused on Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Comprehensive Health, indoctrination, equity initiatives, and book banning. The rhetoric has gotten heated and ugly. As public educators, how do we address these concerns? How do we stay calm and professional? One district chose to sit down, have a meal, and build a common understanding of what these buzzwords really mean and how they relate to school. They started the conversation by asking, “What are you afraid of?” Although it was not easy, it helped to diffuse the tension and build trust. They were able to move from community members accusing district leaders of being racist, uncaring Marxists to productive conversation. This session will describe the process and present strategies on how to have more positive interactions between school districts and community members.
Speaker(s): Katie Jarnot
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Leadership CPR: How to Revive and Restore Greatness Inside Your School
Leaders set the norms, guide the change process, and mobilize staff around the common pursuit of excellence. Arguably, of all the roles that school leaders are asked to play, instructional leadership is the most challenging. By focusing on the CRAFT of Leadership, it is easier to manage and lead for greatness. This session is designed to share key CRAFT practices to use in a school to move from the lower tier of performance to one of the best schools in the nation. More specifically, this session will show how to address the most critical challenges of instructional leadership so that all teachers grow and the entire staff comes together to improve student learning and achievement. Speaker(s): Rick Fisher
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
The Intersection Where Trauma-Informed & Culturally Competent Schools Meet
More than half of all students in any school have experienced some type of childhood trauma. Nationally, more than half of our students are students of color. About 78% of the nation's teachers are white, middle-class women. Educators need to be prepared to meet their students where they are, and to do so, they need to understand what their students face. Culturally competent educators are trauma-informed educators. You cannot have one without the other. In this engaging workshop, specific and proven strategies for building resilient school communities will be shared in the context of identifying the intersection where culturally competent and trauma-informed schools meet.
Speaker(s): Melissa Sadin
Innovator Talks
Location: 303 |
Location: 303 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MDT
Pre-Conference Institute: What If? The Classroom Behavior Road Map
***This is a full-day pre-conference session. Additional registration is required to attend this session.
What if traditional discipline: the tools educators use to elicit positive behaviors from students, makes those behaviors worse? What if it was not inevitable that student behaviors would slowly worsen from August to June? What effect would using such methods have on your students and your career? During this workshop, attendees will be given essential behavioral leadership tools to effectively build relationships, share control, and teach positive behaviors to students—no matter how old or how difficult they are. Participants will be given explicit instruction and strategies for preventing, mitigating, and calmly responding to negative behaviors. Examples include:
Each participant will receive The Classroom Behavior Manual: How to Build Relationships with Students, Share Control, and Teach Positive Behaviors. Speaker(s): Scott Ervin, ASCD AuthorLocation: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023033109:0015:00 000 | FRI, MAR 31 | |||
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Attending to Educator and Student Resilience: Survey-Based Findings and Actionable Ideas
In school communities across the country, mental health symptoms are on the rise among educators and students alike. In early 2022, three in four educators (~75%) reported clinically significant burnout at work, up from roughly 30% of educators at the start of the pandemic. This trend is concerning, as teachers and staff who are struggling are less likely to be able to provide the emotional and academic support that students need to thrive. To protect the well-being of a generation of students and retain the best educators, schools must prioritize mental health, create supportive and welcoming climates, and take proactive steps to foster resilience.
Based on the results from scientific surveys administered to over 70,000 students and 12,000 school adults, session attendees will be presented with the areas for improvement most mentioned and gain strategies and actionable ideas to foster educator and student resilience. The presenter will share ways in which schools have succeeded and struggled to support their communities along with aspects of school climate most closely linked with well-being among students and educators. including: • aspects of student-teacher relationships • aspects of relationships among students • the influence of feelings of belonging on mental health The presenter will identify focus areas for audience members to consider when building programs and services for supporting mental health, and invite the audience to collaborate in an interactive exploration of best practices and evidence-based recommendations for maximizing resilience in their own communities. Speaker(s): Nina Kumar
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Beyond Grow Your Own: Exploring Teacher Preparation for Uncertified School Personnel
This presentation will review a current pilot program that addresses the teacher shortage in the state of Michigan. Presenters will present an overview of an adapted residency model based on current cohort members' positions in schools (paraprofessionals, interventionists, building substitutes, etc.) and connect it to teacher certification requirements. Participants will explore the dynamic relationship between school administrators and higher-ed faculty to identify areas of success in meeting the needs of a diverse body of students-working adults. Speaker(s): Michelle Anderson
New Teacher (or Aspiring)
Innovator Talks
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 9AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Empathy Interviews 102: Walking the Walk—Growing From Philosophy to Implementation
In this session, participants will gain the skills necessary to walk the walk of conducting effective empathy interviews—that is, moving from having a philosophy of empathetic leadership to actually leading empathetic implementation. Participants who have attended Empathy Interviews 101 or have prior knowledge in using empathy interviews as a design thinking tool, will engage in hands-on training and action-planning in the use of the Empathy Interview Pathway©. After participating in a trainer-led fishbowl demonstration of an empathy interview, attendees will conduct real empathy interviews with one another to capture genuine data. Each Interviewer's style and approach to conducting interviews will be critiqued to support productive results and to ensure, as best as possible, that an interviewer's biases are disrupted and positional authority does not impede the collection of data. Participants will leave with a practical action plan for next steps in implementation—having adequate individual and collaborative work time to flesh out a plan tailored to the communities they serve. Speaker(s): Melissa Resh Mark Janka
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040114:5016:20 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Empowering Educators Through Microcredentials
The most effective professional learning inspires and empowers educators to grow professionally and personally through relevant and meaningful work. However, much professional learning turns out to be simply a check-off item and fails to be this constructive. Enter the microcredential: a flexible and adaptable professional learning tool that, when used effectively, facilitates learning that is job-embedded, sustained, and relevant. Microcredentials are performance assessments focused on impacting students, rather than gathering points or accumulating professional development hours. Educators completing microcredentials are asked to forge their own learning paths while documenting evidence of proficiency in the context of their work. This interactive session will explore a variety of ideas and strategies related to the design, adoption, and implementation of these powerful tools for elevating professional learning. Speaker(s): Eric Carbaugh, ASCD Author
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
More than a Number: Designing an Anti-Grading System to Grow the Whole Child
The days of traditional grading are over! For students to become agents of their own learning and for their parents to be truly engaged in the learning process, schools everywhere must carefully and strategically rethink the kinds of feedback they provide and the ways they provide it. This session will include an in-depth look at how one school collaborated with the full gamut of stakeholder groups—students, parents, K–12 educators, businesses, post-secondary institutions, and communities—to innovate new systems that provide students, parents, and educators frequent, meaningful, and actionable feedback related to each child's academic content mastery (Skillsets), habits of mind (Mindsets), and employability skills (Toolsets).
Speaker(s): Andrew Harris Caren Williams
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Building a Just Learning Environment that Centers Community Needs: Rudsdale Newcomer High School
Rudsdale Newcomer High School in Oakland, California, is an innovative public school, centered around creating safe, just, and nurturing environments for marginalized students. All students are new immigrants who have been in the country for three years or less, 70 percent are unaccompanied Immigrant Youth, and 100 percent of them are trauma-impacted. Attendees will understand that complex trauma requires complex solutions as school founders share the following strategies:
• how to use improvement science to address the needs of our community • how to deconstruct relationships to power and decolonize our minds and bodies • how to use an Indigenous whole-child approach to address trauma • how to “build your village” to truly create a community school Speaker(s): Emma Batten-Bowman Jose Garcia
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: Elevating Collaborative Learning Experiences
Used strategically, instructional group work can help students thrive by creating a supportive learning environment, increasing collaborative capacity, and fostering equity. Unfortunately, when used incorrectly, group work can erode those very same entities. This session will provide principles and practices for making classroom grouping “work” for all students by strengthening social-emotional learning in the context of important academic pursuits. Participants will explore a framework to facilitate flexible grouping, examine guidelines for what kinds of groups work best for different purposes, and glean management tips to help groups function effectively and respectfully. By featuring snapshots from real classrooms and group participation, attendees will paint a vivid picture of how to make the most of instructional grouping in all learning settings with the ultimate goals of fostering student growth and infusing joy into learning.
Speaker(s): Kristina Doubet, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 407 |
Location: 407 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Thrivers: What Really Helps Kids Find Happiness Today & Success Tomorrow
Michele Borba explains why the old markers of accomplishment are no longer reliable predictors of success in the 21st century—and offers seven proven character strengths that will safeguard our kids for what lies ahead. The high-achieving students she talks with every day are more accomplished, better educated, and more privileged than ever before. But many are also more stressed, unhappier, and struggling with anxiety, depression, and burnout at younger and younger ages–even prior to COVID. The difference between those who struggle and those who succeed comes down to teachable character strengths that set Thrivers apart and set them up for happiness as well as greater potential later in life. This session offers practical, actionable ways to develop these Thriver traits from preschool through high school and shows how to teach kids how to cope today so they can thrive tomorrow.
Speaker(s): Michele BorbaLocation: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
2023040209:0010:00 000 | SUN, APR 2 | |||
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM MDT
The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance
Most companies and schools follow this formula: if you work harder, you will be more successful, and then you will be happy. This formula is scientifically backward. A decade of research shows that training your brain to be positive at work first actually fuels greater success second. In fact, 75% of our job success is predicted not by intelligence, but by your optimism, social support network and the ability to manage energy and stress in a positive way. By researching top performers at Harvard, the world’s largest banks, and Fortune 500 companies, Shawn discovered patterns which create a happiness advantage for positive outliers—the highest performers at the company. Based on his new book, The Happiness Advantage (September 2010 from Random House), Shawn explains what positive psychology is, how much we can change, and practical applications for reaping the Happiness Advantage in the midst of change and challenge.
Speaker(s): Shawn AchorLocation: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
2023040310:3011:30 000 | MON, APR 3 | |||
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MDT
Connect & Reflect with Chase Mielke: Reigniting Our Purpose, Perspective, and Perseverance in Education
Small, positive moments can create thriving adults, learners, and communities. Veteran educator, author, and well-being expert Chase Mielke will speak on reframing your mindset to ignite learning during this interactive, activity-driven keynote. Wrap up your Saturday learning how to craft greater well-being and impact, connecting with comrades, and having a light snack before you head out for the afternoon.
Session sponsored by: American Book Company Speaker(s): Chase Mielke, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
2023040116:0017:00 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM MDT
Connect & Reflect with Patrick Harris: Storytelling, Humanity in Education, and Teaching in 360 Degrees
Teachers consistently find themselves on the front lines of an ever-changing world without armor. Patrick Harris, author of The First Five: A Love Letter to Teachers, uses stories, not just strategies, to help teachers and those who support them see the power of reflection and teaching as human work. He’ll bring to life two crucial secrets to teaching for the long haul: (1) teaching in 360 degrees and (2) responding to current events without sacrificing your humanity. End your Sunday with joy and empathy as you learn more about yourself and your community through storytelling.
Speaker(s): Patrick L. Harris II
New Teacher (or Aspiring)
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
2023040216:0017:00 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
9AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Undoing Miseducation: The Transformative Power of Educational Equity
Brandon P. Fleming’s captivating story is one that every leader and human needs to hear. This riveting, high-energy presentation has inspired millions, as it reaches critical life lessons from Fleming’s remarkable transformation from at-risk youth and drug-dealing dropout to nationally acclaimed author & Harvard educator. Fleming uses his story to help us understand what it means to defy all odds. But most importantly, he teaches about the most important part of our journey on the climb to success, which is our responsibility to reach back and pull others up, too. You will leave this presentation challenged and charged as it provides an honest and living example of struggle, success, and service.
Speaker(s): Brandon P. FlemingLocation: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
Location: Hall A, Exhibit Level |
2023040108:3010:00 000 | SAT, APR 1 | |||
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Designing Quality Performance Assessments
A focus on 21st century skills, college/career readiness, and deeper learning signifies a shift away from standardized assessments and toward more authentic methods of assessing student learning, namely performance-based assessments. PBAs are not new to education, but the challenge of developing them within a standards-based curriculum is. This session provides teachers and instructional leaders a framework for designing and developing high-quality PBAs. While the design framework is applicable to any grade level or subject area, examples from PBAs targeting core subjects in upper-elementary and middle school will be featured. Speaker(s): Chris Gareis
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Equipping Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today: Building a Pipeline to Leadership
One of the things that prevent districts from enjoying continuous success is a lack of leadership sustainability. Put simply, schools don't have a pipeline that will ensure that when one leader leaves, another is prepared to take their place. Discover how one district continuously prepares aspiring, new, and experienced leaders for their next step. Participants in this session will discover and experience how one district's leadership institute series invites, develops, and supports leaders to take on the next role. They will walk away with ideas for designing content, creating syllabi, and developing the next leader in the pipeline. Speaker(s): Glenda Horner Roy Garcia Sheri McCaig Kenneth Henry
New/Aspiring School Leader
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
2023040114:5016:20 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Imperfectly Productive: An Organizational Blueprint to Structure Your Chaos and Reclaim Your Joy
Regardless of school type, class size, student population, or learning culture, a universal challenge for educators is the desire for more time. The days never seem to have enough hours; the evenings and weekends never feel fully your own. While personal and professional boundaries blur across professions, this space appears particularly blended in education. When we examine self-management as an adult learner, the intent is not to find time but rather alignment. The discipline of alignment calls on educators to create congruence between purpose and practice. Everyone possesses the same 168 hours per week; it is how we choose to utilize them that makes the difference between goal setting and goal attaining, between operating in survival mode and the recovery zone, and between burnout and fulfillment. Educators do not have a time deficit but rather an alignment one. In this session, participants will be presented with strategies for aligning purpose with practice through structured time, disciplined action, and a cadence of accountability. Attendees will learn how to leverage fresh starts, chronotypes, time blocks, tuning techniques, and habit stacking (and sticking) to find time for recovery as well as feel an ongoing sense of fulfillment both personally and professionally. Speaker(s): Allison Rodman, ASCD Author
Professional Learning/Growth
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
2023040110:1511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Supporting School Principals through University Partnerships
Principals are responsible for nurturing teachers and students in schools: but who provides this kind of care for them? This session discusses how a university/school partnership uses its resources to mentor and support the professional growth of school principals, specifically focusing on their academic, social, and emotional needs. Come and learn how one university/school partnership addressed this issue by focusing on the self-identified needs of school principals.
Speaker(s): Mercedes Tichenor Elizabeth Heins Barbara Head
Professional Learning/Growth
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
10 Actions for Preparing Students for College & Careers
Based on his recent book, Tomorrow’s High School, the presenter will offer 10 transformative actions that leaders—teachers, administrators, and counselors—can take at the middle and high school level in preparing more students for college, careers, or both. These leaders can steer their teams in designing pathway programs of study that connect rigorous academics and career and technical education (CTE) studies. This session will address both transformative and practical takeaways educators can really implement. Here are some examples of the major categories of takeaways. Participants will be asked to consider each major takeaway and reflect on the extent to which their current school reflects each BOLD action.
Speaker(s): Gene Bottoms, ASCD Author
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4C |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
One District’s Equity Journey: The ASCD Equity Audit in Action
Every school district is striving to provide equity and excellence every day for each student. Often the challenge is knowing where to begin your equity journey or having the time to analyze which areas of your district are most in need of growth and development. To support school districts with their tremendously important equity efforts, ASCD has created a new equity audit service. Rather than addressing equity within an individual school or program, ASCD utilizes a unique, research-based approach to provide an equity audit through a district-wide lens.
In this session we will share key aspects about the design and process recently used in Smithfield Public Schools. Your students, staff, and community do not want you to miss the opportunity to stop by our session to learn and dialogue about how the ASCD Equity Audit can be customized to benefit the equity work in your school district. Speaker(s): Grant Chandler, ASCD Author Sara Monaco
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
2023040214:4515:45 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Leading with Depression
In this session, hear about the presenter’s journey keeping depression hidden for 20 years while struggling with stigma and vulnerability. Participants will learn how this principal worked to address the stigma and build awareness at Fossil Ridge School, arming faculty, staff, and students with tools to address mental health and social-emotional learning. Attendees will leave with a toolbox of specific initiatives and programs to draw inspiration from to implement in their own schools, such as the “10 for 10” initiative, the “Circles” mindfulness exercise, and “Hangin' with Howell” after school program.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Howell
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Centering Youth Voice: Leveraging Capstones for High School Transformation in New Mexico
New Mexico's education system is in a monumental moment of change, as it responds to requests from young people and the landmark Yazzie-Martinez decision to transform teaching, learning, and assessment experiences in the state. At the center of this transformation rests community-informed capstones and this presentation will explore the vertical strategy and partnerships in the state to scale these personalized learning and assessment experiences for all students. This session will also include a panel with inspiring and dynamic New Mexican youth who have completed capstone learning and assessments, depicted in an award-winning documentary.
Speaker(s): Tony Monfiletto Lisa Harmon-Martínez Lakin _ Grace Frey-Gonzales
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4E |
2023040113:0014:00 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Elevate Reading: The Colorado READ Act
Since 2014, 37 states have passed or updated legislation related to the Science of Reading (SOR) that includes a range of policies such as teacher training, preparation requirements, and lists of state approved materials based on SOR. This session will focus on the Colorado READ Act: legislation that provides school districts with funding and support to aid literacy development for kindergarteners through third-grade students, especially those identified with "significant reading deficiencies" (SRDs) who are at risk of not reading at grade level by the end of third grade and includes both teacher training requirements, and lists of state-approved materials based on SOR. The session will begin with an overview of the READ Act and how it has been implemented by districts and schools with support from the Colorado Department of Education. Next, the session will provide an overview of findings from the first two years of the external evaluation of the READ Act. The session will conclude with engagement with the audience to discuss similar statewide literacy initiatives in their own states and how they are impacting schools and classrooms.
Speaker(s): Anji Gallanos Linda Friedrich Katie Grogan
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
2023040213:0014:00 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
á La Carte Coaching Strategies
Like an artist choosing from a wealth of design principles or a chef selecting from a variety of spices, this dynamic workshop provides attendees with a menu of practical and impactful coaching strategies to add to their stockpile. Participants gain value in mixing and matching the multitude of strategies according to their leadership style, the student's or teacher's needs, and the current curriculum demands. Through small-group discussion and role-playing, participants leave empowered to regularly address common obstacles that coaches face. The presenters are authors of ASCD's The Instructional Coaching Handbook: 200+ Troubleshooting Strategies for Success.
Speaker(s): Tamarra Osborne, ASCD Author Keith Young, ASCD Author Angela Bell Julien, ASCD Author
New/Aspiring School Leader
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Creating Growth Pathways for Your Online Ed Teachers
During this session, attendees will hear about how FlexPoint and Florida Virtual School have created training programs to continue developing talent internally, and offering pathways for teachers to learn and grow professionally. From shadowing opportunities, to a formal aspiring leaders program, setting up your teachers for success is key to retaining great talent. FlexPoint Education Cloud is a full-service Kindergarten—12th grade online education leader, and a part of Florida Virtual School, the state’s online public school district. With more than 2,500 online teachers serving more than 230,000 students, a key ingredient to the organization’s success is its teachers. Speaker(s): Olivia Burns Jessica Schroeder
New/Aspiring School Leader
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Elevating Proven Practices: A Statewide Model for Success
Great practices often exist behind closed doors. When teachers, leaders, schools, and systems are successful, others often ask “How did they do that?” This session investigates how schools are succeeding and how their best practices are shared and replicated statewide. In this session, participants will learn how Utah Leading through Effective, Actionable, and Dynamic (ULEAD) Education elevates research-based, proven best practices throughout the state and how they can replicate successful practices for literacy, mathematics, and leadership into their own schools and systems. ULEAD has created statewide summits for schools that buck trends and have proven success. Participants will understand how “bright spots” are identified and how ULEAD uses research partners and summits to create actionable case studies from each school that are replicable and shared with other schools throughout the state. Participants will learn by utilizing access and insight to the statewide summit process as well as products that draw on proven practices from successful schools. Presenters will utilize data, research, and statewide summit reports to explore proven implementation practices that drive student success. Participants will then engage in two replicable models that foster innovation and systems change in their local context: the practitioner inquiry model to develop innovative practices and logic models to examine problems of practice. Participants will learn how to conduct or facilitate their own practitioner inquiry groups and walk through the logic model process. They will use a logic model to examine their own problem of practice, lay the groundwork for developing a theory of action, and receive best practice tips for putting their plan into action. Participants will gain access to a research repository of practices and learn simple ways to share best practices in their context.
Speaker(s): Meghan Everette, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 62AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
How a Summer Learning Program Took a Radical Approach to Professional Learning for Empowerment
Originally conceived along the lines of Deep Learning as promoted by the group New Pedagogies For Deep Learning (NPDL) (Fullan et al., 2018), the Oakland Youth Innovation Lab (OYIL) experience was built around four main outcomes: engagement, agency, joy, and authentic learning. It proved to have profound, long-lasting impacts on teacher professional learning, with teachers immediately implementing strategies and concepts into their classrooms the following school year. OYIL had several key elements to support students and teachers in reaching these outcomes. These elements included: the use of the guiding question "How can we amplify our voices to create a more just society," the use of the Design Cycle (An introduction to Design Thinking: A process guide, 2022), the creation of passion projects, teachers working together in a collaborative manner, the opportunity for students and teachers to participate in expert classes, and an emphasis on attending to social-emotional needs, sustaining relationships, and work on passion projects through a fall mentoring period. This session will showcase the process, from the creation of the innovation lab to post-implementation programming. Participants will understand the context in which this program was developed and hear about the challenges and successes of students and teachers. Participants will explore the meaningful, sustainable effects of this professional learning approach and discuss how it might be replicated in districts nationwide. Speaker(s): Jennifer Gebbie Cassandra Baptiste
Professional Learning/Growth
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1C |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023 |
Friday, Mar 31, 2023
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MDT
Pre-Conference Institute: Curriculum and Assessment for 21st Century Learning
***This is a full-day pre-conference session. Additional registration is required to attend this session.
This session will describe a framework for constructing a coherent curriculum and assessment system that integrates Portrait of a Graduate competencies with disciplinary standards. Based on the Understanding by Design® framework and recent book, Leading Modern Learning, 2nd edition, the author/presenter will explore the following questions:
Each participant will receive Leading Modern Learning: A Blueprint for Vision-Driven Schools, 2nd Edition. Speaker(s): Jay McTighe, ASCD AuthorLocation: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023033109:0015:00 000 | FRI, MAR 31 | |||
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Curriculum Leadership that Impacts Teaching and Learning
Who is responsible for the curriculum? Is it an administrator who initiates the curriculum design program or the team that selects a new resource? Is it the principal who conducts classroom visits or the teacher who delivers instruction? The answer is yes–to all. However, being responsible for the curriculum and curriculum leadership are not the same. Curriculum leaders are administrators and teachers who have a shared understanding of how curriculum can transform practice and act as a tool teachers use to make classroom decisions. For this reason, curriculum should support the valued outcomes for student learning found in the mission of schools, such as equity and social and emotional learning. Curriculum leaders also understand that the curriculum design and revision process is just as important as the product because it provides administrators and teachers an opportunity to clarify their priorities for teaching and learning. In this session, participants will explore how to work with administrators and teachers to leverage these essential understandings, designing a curriculum that can empower teachers to empower students.
Speaker(s): Angela Lalor, ASCD Author Virginia McGovern
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Heroic Leadership: Building a Team, Taking the Journey, and Leaving a Legacy
Heroes don't have to have been bitten by a radioactive spider or been born on another planet. In fact, we have all met real-world heroes, and have likely been a hero to multiple people during our lives. Heroes lead differently, and because of this, achieve different outcomes than could have been achieved were they not leading through a heroic leadership lens. What is heroic leadership? How can I build my capacity to lead heroically? Why does it matter? During this session, these questions will be explored by looking at the characteristics that set heroes apart, methods to form teams heroically, how we can incorporate the elements of Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" into our leadership frames, and actions we can take to make sure that the legacy we leave for others is a heroic one, as opposed to something else. Leaders of all roles will benefit from the opportunity to reflect on their current leadership practices, engage in small group discussions that will help cement the "why" and "how" of heroic leadership, and develop action plans designed to set the stage for greater incorporation of heroic leadership foundations in the work we all do. In this session, forgo alter egos, crazy toolbelts, and meme-like catch phrases and replace them with the powers that all humans can possess: effective decision-making, strong relational dynamics, and a desire for positive change and continuous improvement.
Speaker(s): Fred Ende, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Learning Lab
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040210:1511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Meeting the Needs of All Students: Scaling Effective Systems Using The Diamond Method
Do your systems work for every child? With the ever-increasing diversity, learning styles, and social-emotional needs in classrooms, it is more crucial than ever to differentiate support and instruction. Understanding how we evaluate and inventory our systems for meeting the needs of students can seem an overwhelming task. However, when using The Diamond Method, individuals and teams can thoughtfully assess how services are being delivered to students. In this session, participants will be introduced to The Diamond Method, a systemic framework for assessing how well the unique needs of students are being met, and begin to create enhanced pathways that ensure all students achieve at high levels. Participants will engage in a needs assessment to evaluate current systems for support and enrichment in the classroom so they may identify strengths and gaps in the availability and effectiveness of programs for all learners. The assessment will act as a guide to reflect on current remediation and enrichment programs and provide participants the opportunity to identify strengths and areas to explore. Attendees will develop a blueprint for next steps that outline realistic priorities and a ready-to-implement action plan with clearly defined commitments.
Speaker(s): Erika Tobia
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Recruiting, Retaining, and Empowering a Diverse Educator Workforce
Districts across the United States are feeling the pinch of staffing shortages. Our student bodies are becoming more diverse, but our teaching workforce isn’t keeping pace. Traditional recruitment and retention practices are insufficient, and organizations around the country are offering innovative new strategies to meet the challenge. This session presents a sample of the diversity of thought among groups across the nation who support recruitment and retention activities aimed at teachers of color. Attendees will leave with new strategies to implement independently, in collaboration with partners, or with the support of contractors.
Speaker(s): Daman Harris
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:50 PM - 4:20 PM MDT
Reducing Barriers to K–12 CS Participation in Elementary Science Classrooms
As computer science (CS) education becomes more commonplace in the K–12 curriculum, it is critical to implement pedagogically inclusive approaches to CS instruction that increase access and participation for historically marginalized groups such as BIPOC, women, and individuals with disabilities. By integrating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) into the project-based, integrated Science+CS instruction, teachers can design equitable experiences that meet the needs of all learners. UDL is an inclusive approach to instruction that removes barriers to learning by promoting a variety of teaching methods and flexible learning environments. CRP is a student-centered learning approach grounded in the notion of cultural competence and the influence of behavior and environmental factors on learners’ self-efficacy and motivation. Inclusive and culturally responsive instruction builds on these frameworks by facilitating connections between concepts and topics relevant to students’ learning needs and interests. This session will provide educators with hands-on, practical strategies for infusing lessons with UDL principles and CRP guidelines. Presenters will share resources developed through a National Science Foundation project and facilitate discussions regarding how to apply these equity approaches to existing curricula. Sample student work and teacher reflections from pilot classrooms that implemented a 3rd-grade Science+CS module based on these equity approaches will also be shared.
Speaker(s): Carla Strickland
Learning Lab
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040214:5016:20 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 78AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
The Soul of Education: The Connection between Family Partnerships, Curriculum, and SEL
What does curriculum and family engagement have in common? They both deeply impact the soul—the social emotional development—of our students. It is sometimes easier to see the connection in early childhood, but what about in upper elementary and secondary education? This session will discuss these two topics and how they can be transformed and united through a human-centered approach. Attendees will be challenged to think about the development of curriculum strategies and family engagement strategies and how they can support each other. These free and applicable strategies will develop educators, families, and students that are sturdier, more confident, and can dream big dreams for their lives.
Speaker(s): Emily Roden
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
The T.I.E.S. That Bind: Elevating the Educational Experience for All
Trust, Innovation, Equity and Safety (T.I.E.S.) are four key ingredients to a successful educational experience. During this session, participants will engage in activities to encourage and foster positive relationships among staff, students, families, and community partners. Attendees will explore how meaningful connections are an important protective factor, which contributes to strengthening relational trust and resilience. Social-emotional learning tenets and actionable strategies will be embedded throughout the session and shared with participants to implement in practice.
Speaker(s): Nekeya Irby
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Learning Lab
Location: 403 |
Location: 403 |
2023040110:1511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:15 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Digging Deeper on Cultural Relevance: Understanding Representational Balance
Calls for culturally relevant curriculum continue to be heard across the field. While tools exist to analyze some aspects of cultural relevance, many of these tools demonstrate shallow understandings of how various groups are represented in texts. In this session, participants will utilize a new tool to explore representational balance and examine the relationships between authors and characters they create, cultures they portray, and topics they present for readers. This tool will revolutionize how educators understand cultural relevance and provide a fresh way to lead students in deep literary analysis. This session is essential for anyone who teaches literacy, leads literacy, or teaches educators to teach literacy.
Speaker(s): Tanji Reed Marshall, ASCD Author William Rodick
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
2023040110:1511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 80AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Engaging Multilingual Youth: Perspectives on Community-Based Learning
This session focuses on the power of community-based learning to engage students in social justice work and facilitate more equitable opportunities for learning, particularly among multilingual and im/migrant youth in a range of contexts. Sharing examples from community-based education in the Dominican Republic, this panel offers an opportunity to explore concrete examples of programs and practices whose essential characteristics can serve as organizing principles for educators seeking to expand the types of learning activities available to students across different disciplines and subject areas. Through examples of experiences working with Dominican and Haitian youth, attendees will explore issues of equity that must be addressed in program organization and curriculum design, while also learning how community-based learning can build solidarity across social differences and disrupt dominant narratives often disseminated through educational programs and wider society. Ultimately, the session goal is to draw on and engage with the rich experiences of audience members to dialogue about the challenges and possibilities for community-based learning with youth through a variety of lenses.
Speaker(s): Molly Hamm-Rodríguez Catherine DeLaura Julio Louis
Panel Discussion
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 67AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0A410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Performance Tasks or Projects? Complementary Approaches for Student Engagement
Well-designed performance tasks and projects (in Project-based Learning) have the capacity to engage students in authentic learning while developing important 21st Century Skills, including critical thinking and creativity. Like fraternal siblings, tasks and projects share many common qualities, yet they are not identical twins. This workshop will explore eight key dimensions that underscore the similarities and differences between performance tasks and projects so that educators can use each of them appropriately.
Speaker(s): Jay McTighe, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 76AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Tech Facilitator to Digital Coach: From Teaching Tech Tools to Leading Instructional Change
Come learn how we evolved the role of a tech facilitator into the role of a collaborative coach. Our digital coaches become members of teams that leverage the PLC mindset and structures to co-design and facilitate student-centered learning experiences. These experiences, enhanced by future-ready best digital practices, result in deeper learning that transfers beyond the classroom. Join us to engage in one of these learning experiences to learn more about the research, resources, tools, and strategies that together will elevate the impact your team members can make on student learning, too! Participants will leave with ideas and inspiration that are scalable to any size learning organization, to any amount of available resources, and to meet you right where you are in your journey.
Speaker(s): Ashley Nelson Kirsten Hood Alanna Mercy
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
2023040213:0014:30 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Empowering Educators to Thrive through Adversity
As we enter the third year of the pandemic, retaining teachers and school staff is a certain challenge for educational leaders. Likewise, many students across the nation are experiencing the weight of trauma, instructional loss, and social immaturity attributed to the adversity faced throughout this time. As such, creating a school culture in which all school community members are authentically invested in creating a positive school climate and an engaging learning environment is vital! This workshop is designed in partnership with the California Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (CASCD) to provide educational leaders with specific strategies for igniting hope, promoting the social-emotional well-being of staff and students, empowering educators through change, and ensuring inclusive learning environments for all that foster connection and collective efficacy. Attendees will be guided through applicable content, engaging discussion, and an interactive activity based on a new framework for educator well-being that can be used as a valuable tool to celebrate educator strengths and reveal opportunities for individual and collective growth. Educational Leaders will walk away prepared to ignite hope, inspire students, and revitalize educators with renewed purpose!
Speaker(s): Michelle Trujillo Kathleen McCreery
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Learning Lab
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 2C |
2023040113:0014:30 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 0C410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
You are NOT Alone: Engaging Students and Families in Learning after Devastation
What happens to the culture and climate of a school that has had four administrators within five years? How do you turn tragedy into triumph after four students die within your first year as principal? Participants will hear how one of the largest schools within the city of Greensboro used life's stumbling blocks as stepping stones to develop a school and community of empathy, love, and compassion. The current principal and his team share the strategies they utilized to cultivate a culture and climate of respect, pride, and resilience. Attendees will leave with practical advice and strategies to:
Speaker(s): Sabreen Mutawally Erik Naglee
New/Aspiring School Leader
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040110:4511:45 000 | SAT, APR 1 |
99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
A Pathway to Equity for ALL that ALL Stakeholders can Support
Creating a culture of care improves outcomes for all. We can create this positive culture even with the daily demands of running an efficient school. This requires a laser-like focus on students and on the staff's sense of belonging—a true pathway to equity. We must strive to create experiences where dignity is valued and students and staff are given the time and space to reflect on those moments when they feel like they truly belong. These positive experiences help educators feel like they can be their true selves and, in turn, perform at their best. This is when outcomes improve. Attendees will hear about the cycle of equity work that is working for the South Country Central School District to help staff feel engaged and find success.
Speaker(s): Beth Doyle Kai Watkins Monica Pullows-Tetuan Jackie O'Hagan
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Accelerated Student Learning and the Critical Leadership Needed Today
The impact of the pandemic on student learning in the United States has been significant and widespread. Now more than ever, schools have an urgent need to demonstrate accelerated learning for all students. Teachers alone cannot initiate and manage the needed changes; the actions of leaders at all levels are the linchpin of the learning environment. Reforming a system requires that school leaders, board members, teachers, and support staff work together to establish non-negotiable goals and ensure that all are involved in a collaborative goal-setting process for student achievement and classroom instruction. This session will outline the actions that two school districts undertook to make systemic organizational changes, utilizing data and inquiry-driven individualized teaching methods, and creating a learning-focused culture that resulted in significant accelerated gains in both reading and mathematics. Attendees will hear how untapped potential can be cultivated and how all stakeholders in two successful schools, one in Connecticut and one in Iowa, attained a deeper understanding of the systemic changes that were needed and implemented those changes.
Speaker(s): Pamela Vogel Alicia Roy Joan Gordon
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Every Student Known: Achieving System Coherence for Academic and SEL Integration
Through an equity lens, how does a school district set the foundation today for a better future for students and teachers? Metro Nashville Public Schools' ReimaginED is the district’s answer to that question. Last year, Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) became a Level 5 district as measured by student learning growth on Tennessee academic assessments. Per the state’s accountability measures, MNPS is a high-performing district. This achievement exceeds pre-pandemic outcomes and reflects the collective efforts and efficacy of a district committed to creating the right conditions for academic success for all. District leaders created effective systems of support that responded to students’ academic and SEL needs while maintaining high expectations for accelerated student learning.
In this session, learn how ReimaginED, a district-wide framework, can accelerate SEL, successful transitions for scholars, and meeting focused outcomes for academics. Grounded in the district’s 5 Cs (communication, coordination, collaboration, completion, and celebration), this support system is scaled for district-wide impact that ensures that every student is known. Hear inspirational stories about the differences that have been made in the lives of MNPS students and make this a reality in your own district! Attendees will leave with strategies to: • reimagine the ways in which districts can ensure inclusive and equitable learning environments for all students and staff • develop a Navigator system whereby every student in the district has regular touchpoints with a caring adult who can coach and guide toward academic and SEL goals • transform district-wide supports to ensure that they are responsive to specific school communities’ needs and amplify PreK–12 pathways to academic success • use an equity roadmap to inform leadership decisions regarding aligning and coordinating supports and resources so that all students receive what they need when they need it Speaker(s): Adrienne Battle Michelle Springer Elisa Norris
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 62AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Grow Your Own Administrators: Building Leadership Capacity within a School Division
Help educators prepare for taking the next step in their career. Learn what one school district is doing to build leadership capacity through an aspiring administrators program. Leadership capacity is built using evidence-based practices including enhancement of decision-making skills, facilitating leadership conversations, and providing coaching and mentoring. The process of using specific scenarios in a collaborative format is shared. In this session, attendees will walk away with an actionable plan to implement a program for prospective administrators.
Speaker(s): Lori Harper
New/Aspiring School Leader
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 99AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Want to Increase Student Engagement? Let Them Do a Personal Interest Project (PIP)!
Want to learn how to engage students by using Personal Interest Projects (PIPs)? PIPs are opportunities for students to explore something they are interested in and practice key skills like creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Students and teachers rave about these projects! Participants can learn how to implement in their own schools or classrooms using a scaffolded curriculum that supports students through the phases of designing, doing, and sharing their projects.
PIPs provide opportunities for students to learn, solve, make, or do something connected to their passions. Hear details about an existing curriculum explicitly meant to support students in truly personalizing their learning by designing, creating, and sharing a project of their own choosing. The presenters will share lessons learned while supporting PIPs for thousands of students in Connecticut since 2020. Attendees will get the hottest "Tips for PIPs," see examples of student work, and hear student and teacher video testimonials regarding the impact PIP projects had on their education. The presenters will share research on student engagement and entail how students can demonstrate "vision of a graduate" skills, such as creativity, problem-solving, and communication while engaging in something personally meaningful. PIPs are perfect to use in a variety of settings including core classes, enrichment, credit recovery, career/technical education, library/media programs, and electives for students in grades 5–12! Speaker(s): Elizabeth Radday
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 1A |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6BAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Constructing Innocence: Dismantling Racial Bias through Intentional Relationship Building
Dr. Brandt and the Innocent Classroom team will discuss their vision for a culture and society liberated from racial bias and stereotypes. Presenters will focus on the power each of us has, in our schools and classrooms, to create spaces free of stereotypes—spaces of innocence—for all children and especially Black, brown, and Indigenous children. Participants will be introduced to Innocent Classroom's relationship-building methodology and will consider, reflect, and plan for the use and implications of this methodology in their role as classroom educators, building leadership or district-level leadership. Speaker(s): Matthew Brandt
Innovator Talks
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Executive Function: The Secret Ingredient for Deeper Learning
In this session, attendees will explore the secret ingredient that helps teachers improve student behavior and learning through better instruction: executive function. Simply stated, executive function is the way the brain processes information and makes decisions. The presenters will highlight key findings from the research on how the brain’s executive function capacities can be used to enhance learning and, more importantly, introduce and model simple, practical tools that teachers can integrate into current lessons and units to capitalize on the power of executive function.
Speaker(s): Harvey Silver, ASCD Author Margaret Searle, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
How Psychological Safety Makes or Breaks Culture (and What To Do About It)
Have you ever been afraid to ask a question? Have you felt excluded in a social setting? Have you been punished for challenging the status quo? Psychological safety impacts learning, affects behaviors, and makes or breaks an environment where all thrive. In this session, participants will discover solutions to the challenges they are facing and learn how to create a place where all want to be! Speaker(s): LaVonna Roth
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Leading Your School Toward Equity: A Practical Framework for Walking the Talk
In this session, participants will explore the Equity Leadership Framework and the essential leadership attributes for creating a culture centered around everyday equity actions that matter. Leaders will gain insight and learn strategies to effectively lead school-wide equity efforts. Start this journey of discovery about the importance of leveraging focus, competence, and passion to confidently forge an unconventional path that will authentically lead to equity. Speaker(s): Dwayne Chism, ASCD Author
Innovator Talks
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Measure and Share What Matters
What are the characteristics of a quality school?
Cognia has defined quality schools through performance standards organized by four key characteristics: Culture of Learning, Leadership for Learning, Engagement of Learning, and Growth in Learning. Using these standards as the foundation for improvement, Fleming County Schools has elevated from a low-performing district to a flagship district in the state of Kentucky. Now, Fleming County leaders have prioritized the need to transparently measure continuous improvement against Cognia's standards and share the results with staff, students, and the community. In this session, learn from Fleming County and Cognia leaders how they have partnered to collect, analyze, and share data with staff, students, and the community—allowing all stakeholders to view an individual school's progress on the continuous improvement journey. Speaker(s): Lisa Stone, Ed.D. Brian Creasman, Ed.D
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 62AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7EAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
The Delicate Art of Mobilizing Non-Instructional Stakeholders to Lead Equity
What might the transportation or business department have to do with equitable student outcomes? Everything! District department leaders and staff play an integral role in supporting equitable student outcomes, but everyone needs to find their seat on the bus! Lawrence Township Metropolitan School District will share practical strategies on how they are aligning, mobilizing, maximizing, and leading change for equity with district departments. Participants will hear how they've mobilized the business, transportation, nutrition, communication, technology, safety and security, and custodial departments to align their work to support equitable outcomes at schools. They'll discuss how they've built the capacity of non-instructional stakeholders to lead equity work in their roles. Learn how to elevate the art and science of leading for equity and ensuring the transformation of the system is intentionally inclusive of EVERY stakeholder.
Speaker(s): Vernita Mayfield, ASCD Author Shawn Smith Stephanie LaPlante
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
The Moment of Lift: How Elevating Student Voice Can Change School Culture
In this student-facilitated session, participants will learn from students about how William Mason High School (Mason, OH) uses student voice and the district’s "3 Big Rocks" framework to help build an inclusive school culture. The session will provide participants with the opportunity to hear from students on steps for implementation, brainstorm their own ideas, and collaborate with their colleagues on how their schools can elevate student voices to create a more inclusive culture where every student feels safe, valued, supported, and empowered to pursue worthy challenges. Participants will take away practical strategies and helpful resources for elevating student voice and creating positive school culture to apply in their own schools/districts.
Speaker(s): Robyn Jordan Soroya Smith Urja Mehta Daud Malik Tanya Keskar
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 203 |
Location: 203 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Three Practical Strategies for Boosting Students’ Motivation
We all want students who are fired up and excited about learning. What if we told you there are three practical strategies to help do just that and to boost students' motivation for learning? And what if these strategies meant we didn't have to spend time begging, cajoling, threatening, or bribing our students? Guess what? There are!
1. We need to tap into students' intrinsic motivations. 2. We need to decrease—or even eliminate—incentive systems that decrease intrinsic motivation and damage learning. 3. We need to teach students the skills and strategies they need to manage themselves so they can follow through on their motivations. In this active and interactive session, we'll explore these three strategies that can be used in any K–12 grade and in any content area. Attendees will also gain access to an online binder of resources to deepen thinking, implement what has been learned, and share with colleagues. Speaker(s): Mike Anderson, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 90AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Designing a Leadership Coaching Program in Your System
The School District of Philadelphia (SDP) has spent four years designing, enacting, and innovating a unique leadership coaching program to support its school-building leaders— “the most important and influential leaders in our organization and city.” Each year, the School District of Philadelphia leadership coaching program selects 15–18 highly-respected and experienced school leaders from within the Philadelphia school system and trains them as International Coaching Federation-certified leadership coaches. Having previously contracted with “name brand” leadership coaching groups whose work—while powerful—failed to create a sustainable and long-lasting impact on the organization, the School District of Philadelphia determined it needed to look within. In a competitive bidding process, Old Sow Coaching and Consulting (Dr. Kirsten Olson, lead) was hired to design and develop the Office of Leadership Development’s coaching program, aligned with a new focus on First and Second Year Principals, Aspiring Principals (Assistant Principals) and Pathways to Leadership for Black Women, Black Men, Latino/a/x, and Bi-racial/AAPI/Indigenous leaders.
This presentation will focus on the design and professional development of this leader-focused coaching program, from its introduction to yearly evolution. It will highlight the principles and practices of International Coaching Federation (ICF) coaching. Through a live coaching demonstration, participants will explore how leadership coaches establish trusting, confidential, non-evaluative/non-supervisory coaching relationships and why this goal-centered, leader-led approach can have a transformational effect on individuals and the organizations in which they lead. Presenters will explain why all leaders need space for reflection and connection to Self in order to grow themselves and their larger organizations as well as describe why designing a leadership coaching program can be a critical driver of higher performance and more sustainable leadership engagement and satisfaction. Speaker(s): Kirsten Olson David Lugo Lynne Millard Jason Harris, M.Ed.
Systems/Organizational Leadership
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 63AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
"I Want to Be a Success Story Too"—A Conversation on Equity & Inclusion for EACH of the Learners
One of the current hot topics in education is "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion." This highly engaging, self-reflective session focuses on the classroom relative to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. It challenges educators to look within themselves to recognize how they see, treat, and relate with their students in these three crucial areas. This session will challenge participants to confront whatever biases they may bring to their own practices, whether implicit or explicit. High performance is an impossibility in school learning environments where the recognition of diversity coupled with equitable and inclusionary practices fail to exist. Principal Kafele will share strategies aimed toward creating and sustaining equity and inclusion in a diverse student learning environment which will be inclusive of important reflections around race and cultural competence.
Speaker(s): Baruti Kafele, ASCD Author
Innovator Talks
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040210:4511:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3CD17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
How to Educate Males of Color Who Have Experienced Trauma
Many students come from broken homes, whether both parents are present or not. Black and brown children are the most suspended and expelled students from school. When students misbehave, it's the language of trauma. Participants will be presented with strategies from Becoming the Educator They Need: Strategies, Mindsets and Beliefs for Supporting Male Black and Latino Students and research from several studies about what has been effective in connecting and building relationships with these students. Speaker(s): Robert Jackson, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 73AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 75AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
Pedagogical Leadership: Seeing the Bigger Picture
Instruction is what the teacher does, whereas learning is what the student does. Here is where a sole emphasis on instructional leadership might not lead to efficacy at scale. Pedagogical leadership, on the other hand, encompasses all the many ways to support effective teaching and learning. The main differentiator here is a broader view that includes more attention to what the learner is doing, and the supports needed for success. During this immersive session, attendees will focus on strategies as well as numerous responsibilities and roles that work to ensure a vibrant learning culture that helps to meet the needs of all students.
Speaker(s): Eric Sheninger, ASCD Author
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 83AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 93AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
The 7 Success Factors for Instructional Coaching
For more than 25 years, Jim Knight and his colleagues have been developing, refining, and studying instructional coaching. In his newest book, The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, Jim has summarized that research in seven success factors that need to be a part of any successful coaching program. In this presentation, we will discuss each factor, explain why it is essential for success, and explain how it can be implemented. Anyone who is interested in coaching or coaching programs should find this session very useful.
Speaker(s): Jim Knight, ASCD Author
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040114:4515:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 6CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7DAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 94AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Transforming the Ethos of Schools: One School’s Journey from Surviving to Thriving
Have you had to deal with extreme changes in your school culture and climate after COVID? Has this triggered a sense of defeat? Do you have an insurmountable number of office referrals with disciplinary actions that don’t seem to work? Learn how to navigate these challenges and implement effective research-based climate and culture interventions to transform your school. Join this presentation to explore one urban school’s journey of transformation. Learn how they significantly reduced their disciplinary infractions/occurrences, suspensions, expulsions, and suicidal ideations. Learn how to integrate school culture and climate improvement with other district and school improvement efforts. Establish a data collection plan and data analysis plan that triangulates the school climate and culture perceptual, demographic, and process data and orients stakeholders to the importance of data and reliable measurement outcomes. Get the data analysis blueprint and go on this journey with us, from surviving to thriving!
Speaker(s): Keisha Fletcher-Bates
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
School Spotlight/Case Study
Location: 207 |
Location: 207 |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 84AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 88AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 08410C06-9212-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
Meeting PD Challenges with ASCD’s Witsby Platform
Providing professional development can be a struggle. Teachers are short on time. Full-day PD is costly and does not differentiate for individual educators. The quality of PD resources readily available can be questionable. Availability of substitute teachers to cover for teacher professional learning leave is limited. Learn how ASCD partner schools and districts are using ASCD's Witsby professional learning and credentialing platform are meeting these challenges successfully. Using research-based PD content from ASCD in convenient bite-sized learning, these ASCD partners have discovered how to customize professional learning for their staff.
Speaker(s): Rob Letcher
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040210:4511:45 000 | SUN, APR 2 |
97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Stuck in the Middle: Nourishing Mid-Career Educators to Thrive and Stay in Schools
Teaching and leading schools can, and should be, a joyful profession where practitioners feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work throughout the entirety of their careers. However, increasing job demands, negative political environments, and little to no support for educator well-being have caused far too many talented and dedicated educators to leave the profession. We need our most experienced educators to stay engaged and involved. Led by a team of ASCD Champions in Education, this session aims to help mid- to late-career educators whose hope has waned—as well as those who lead them–– to build an impact plan that challenges them to regain control of their mindset and professional development.
Speaker(s): Lindsay Prendergast Gretchen Oltman, ASCD Author Abigail French
Professional Learning/Growth
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040214:4515:45 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 3ED17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 92AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A8AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023 |
Sunday, Apr 02, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
ASCD Champions in Education: Mid-Career Professionals Leading through Change
This year, ASCD launched a new initiative for mid-to-late career leaders in education: the ASCD Champions in Education (#ASCDEdChamps) program. Program participants are working on designing an impact plan to help transform education during this time of societal change. Attendees will hear about the work these inspiring leaders are doing to manage systems and staff and realize the vision for the next iteration of education. Presenters will be publishing their work in the summer issue of Educational Leadership.
Speaker(s): Walter McKenzie Chanel Gaither Tiffany Hall Marnie Hazelton
Systems/Organizational Leadership
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040213:0014:00 001 | SUN, APR 2 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 38D17A1C-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 64AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 B57F036F-8F12-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7FAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 81AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 85AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023 |
Monday, Apr 03, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM MDT
Champion Joy and Language Development in the Shared Interactive Reading
Join the Center for English Learners at the American Institutes for Research for a fast-paced, joyful discussion on best practices for integrating writing and language development in preschool and Kindergarten programs, centering on practices to enhance language and literacy for English Learners and multilingual learners. Participants will come away with targeted instructional strategies focused on early writing as part of a comprehensive language and literacy approach, available in English and Spanish. The presentation will start with an overview of language and literacy development, highlighting key considerations for multilingual learners. Presenters will describe research indicating that young children have the capacity to learn more than one language and highlight the linguistic, academic, and cognitive benefits of bilingualism (NASEM, 2017). The presenters will then zero in on writing, including an explanation of how writing is part of a holistic language and literacy approach, a description of the stages or early writing, and modeling of evidenced-based strategies for developing early writing. The presentation will describe practices to use within the classroom as well as ways to engage families in leveraging and fostering writing at home (leveraging home language when appropriate). The session and the takeaways will be strategy-packed, evidence-based, research-backed, and classroom-tested.
Speaker(s): Alejandra Martin
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040309:0010:00 001 | MON, APR 3 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 68AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7CAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM MDT
SEL Strategies that Promote Real Relationships Between ALL Learners
It's not authentic engagement if they're making assumptions. In this interactive and informative session, participants will unpack strategies associated with developing students' self-awareness and social awareness. Participants will learn how to create the conditions and shared experiences in the classroom that lead to the success of all students. Participants will assess their own classroom practice efforts against key competencies associated with empathy building and cooperative learning environments. Educators will leave inspired and with several additional strategies, tactics, and tools they can take right back to their classroom. Speaker(s): Ignacio Lopez, ASCD Author
Social-Emotional Learning & Relationships
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040113:0014:00 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 98AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 74AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 86AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 8AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 91AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM MDT
The Science of Reading Comprehension in Action: Accelerate Learning with the Fab Four Strategies
Do your students need to move to deeper levels of discussion and reading comprehension? Join literacy consultant and this bestselling author for a practical and engaging webinar on the "Fab Four" (Oczkus, 2018) or reciprocal teaching strategies (Palinscar & Brown,1986). When you teach students to comprehend using the evidence-based, reciprocal teaching strategies—predict, question, clarify, and summarize—students begin to make dramatic reading gains up to .74 (Hattie, 2008) in just a few months!
Whether you are new to reciprocal teaching or are already a fan, come see the science of reading comprehension in action! Attendees will leave with dozens of low-prep/high-yield ideas based on recent post-pandemic work in classrooms. Participants will hear proven lesson ideas to implement immediately with any text during whole-class or small-group lessons, guided reading, or student-led book clubs, and take home a toolkit of short and sharp mini-lessons that improve comprehension and engage students. Speaker(s): Lori Oczkus, ASCD Author
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
Innovator Talks
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
Location: Mile High Ballroom 4D |
2023040110:4511:45 001 | SAT, APR 1 |
A3AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A2AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A1AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 97AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 65AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 77AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 7AAC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 80AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 A7AC3E7E-CBF7-EC11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 D88A8FBB-9112-ED11-80FD-E8BA6E675572 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023 |
Saturday, Apr 01, 2023
2:45 PM - 3:45 PM MDT
Integrating SEL into Lesson Planning: Powered by The Achievery
When students work in groups, it can feel like they're splitting up work and completing the task in parallel. Yet, we all know there is so much opportunity for rich interactions in group work and a chance for students to learn to work well with others and collaborate authentically. When fully implemented, students apply positive social skills, depend on each other, and persevere through difficulties they may have with assignments.
In this session, educators will:
An AT&T Connected Learning solution: Created by AT&T in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery, The Achievery helps connect students to a new world of digital learning through stories that spark curiosity and content that entertains as well as teaches. The platform features clips from some of the most popular, well-loved movies, TV shows, and cartoons from Warner Bros. and Cartoon Network, paired with lessons and learning activities that students can engage with everywhere they are – at home, in the community, and the classroom. Speaker(s): Opal Davis Dawson
Curriculum, Instruction, |