"Army Aviation: Ready to Meet Tomorrow's Challenges, Today"

Summit Contacts

AAAA Main Number - 203-268-2450

Exhibits/Advertising Sales - Bob Lachowski x131, Erika Burgess, x125 and Carmen Tuohy x128 - Exhibits@quad-a.org  and sales@ARMYAVIATIONmagazine.com

eBooth Upgrades - Carmen Tuohy x128 

Industry Membership (required for Exhibitors) - Industry

Sponsorships - Jennifer Chittem, x124

Registration - Primary: aaaa_registration@goeshow.com or 847-620-4468
                           - Secondary: Ben Marini, x136 - Ben@quad-a.org

Housing, Events/Meeting Rooms - Rebecca Sadegh, 203-521-0304

Awardees - Janis Arena, x132

Speakers/Press Contact - Joe Pisano, x442

RPM XPO (Show Contractor) - info@RPMXPO.com, 770-686-6512

Golf Tournament (4/23/24) - COL (R) Steve Smith at steve.smith@valicorp.com, 931-801-8593, or Alexa Rose; alexa.rose@valicorp.com.

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