Shield AI - Booth 1517
Hivemind AI Pilot
Autonomous flight (self-driving) software that enables teams of intelligent aircraft to operate and complete missions autonomously in high-threat environments, without the need for remote operators or GPS. Hivemind is an aircraft-agnostic autonomy stack similar to the self-driving technology found in cars. It has flown six aircraft, including quadcopters, the MQ-35A V-BAT, the F-16, and Kratos MQM-178 Firejet. Later this year, it will fly Kratos’ XQ-58 Valkyrie. Shield AI has accumulated more autonomous flight hours executing fighter jet maneuvers, like dogfighting, than any company in the world. Hivemind can be integrated on commercial aircraft, but we are focused on defense applications.

Shield AI - Booth 1517
MQ-35 V-BAT & V-BAT Teams
MQ-35 V-BAT: With its innovative, near-zero footprint vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and long-endurance capabilities, V-BAT is unlike any UAS on the market today. Propelled by a single, ducted, thrust-vectored fan, it takes off and lands in the style of a SpaceX rocket. Its fully operational logistical footprint fits into the bed of a pickup truck or inside a Blackhawk helicopter, significantly reducing the total cost of capability. U.S. and international customers view the V-BAT as a flexible, cost-efficient platform capable of performing Group 2 UAS to Group 5 UAS missions and beyond.

V-BAT Teams: First-of-its-kind product, powered by Hivemind, that enables teams of V-BATs to execute missions, autonomously reading and reacting to each other and the environment just as a team of humans would normally pilot them.