Enhancing Combat Maneuver and Survivability

Exhibitor/Sponsor FAQs

At AASF your booth space purchase includes back and side wall drapes, carpet, table, 2 chairs and a wastebasket.

Log into your Exhibitor Service Center to see the RPMXPO Kit.

Yes you will receive an email from eShow about a month out from the opening of event.

YES. Everyone has to register for a badge to attend the event. 


August 14th

August 14th

Each exhibitor has control over the space it has rented from Show Management. As such the taking of pictures, other than by the official photographer/videographer, is expressly prohibited during setup, dismantling and non-exhibit hours. Individual cameras will not be allowed on the exhibit floor. The use of a cell phone camera is prohibited during the above-mentioned hours. Only the exhibitor may grant permission to have its exhibit photographed, videotaped, or an audio presentation taped, during exhibit hours.

You may receive a full refund up until August 16th. After August 16th no refunds will be issued.

Attendees: Military: Duty uniform; Civilian – Appropriate Civilian Attire

Speakers & Panel Members: Military – Duty Uniform; Civilian – Coat & Tie

Must be completed by 8/16.

8/12. If you are interested in a sponsorship please contact sponsorships@quad-a.org 

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