At AASF your booth space purchase includes back and side wall drapes, carpet, table, 2 chairs and a wastebasket. |
Log into your Exhibitor Service Center to see the RPMXPO Kit. |
Yes you will receive an email from eShow about a month out from the opening of event. |
YES. Everyone has to register for a badge to attend the event. |
Unlimited |
August 14th |
August 14th |
Each exhibitor has control over the space it has rented from Show Management. As such the taking of pictures, other than by the official photographer/videographer, is expressly prohibited during setup, dismantling and non-exhibit hours. Individual cameras will not be allowed on the exhibit floor. The use of a cell phone camera is prohibited during the above-mentioned hours. Only the exhibitor may grant permission to have its exhibit photographed, videotaped, or an audio presentation taped, during exhibit hours. |
You may receive a full refund up until August 16th. After August 16th no refunds will be issued. |
Attendees: Military: Duty uniform; Civilian – Appropriate Civilian Attire Speakers & Panel Members: Military – Duty Uniform; Civilian – Coat & Tie |
Must be completed by 8/16. |
8/12. If you are interested in a sponsorship please contact |